L2/99-331 Subject: (SC22docs.613) SC22 N2812 - Disposition of Comments Report for DIS 15897 __________________ beginning of title page _________________________ ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces Secretariat: U.S.A. (ANSI) ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 N2812 TITLE: Disposition of Comments Report for DIS 15897 - Information technology - Procedures for European Registration of Cultural Elements (Fast-track Process) DATE ASSIGNED: 1998-09-02 SOURCE: Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 BACKWARD POINTER: N/A DOCUMENT TYPE: Disposition of Comments Report PROJECT NUMBER: JTC 1.22.15897 STATUS: Please note that, as part of the Disposition of Comments, the title of the DIS was changed to: "Procedures for Registration of Cultural Elements". ACTION IDENTIFIER: FYI DUE DATE: N/A DISTRIBUTION: Text CROSS REFERENCE: SC22 N2717, N2811 DISTRIBUTION FORM: Def Address reply to: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat William C. Rinehuls 8457 Rushing Creek Court Springfield, VA 22153 USA Telephone: +1 (703) 912-9680 Fax: +1 (703) 912-2973 email: rinehuls@access.digex.net _______________ end of title page; beginning of report ___________________ Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC DIS 15897, "Information Technology - Procedures for European registration of cultural elements." This Disposition of Comments was approved by the Ballot Resolution Group for DIS 15897 held on 26-27 August 1998. The table of replies is recorded in SC22 N2717. Disposition of comments: Canada: To make this European Prestandard an International Standard the following changes will be made: The word "European" will be removed thruout the standard where appropiate and references to CEN will be changed to ISO/IEC. CEN terminology such as "Prestandard" will be changed to "International Standard" thruout the standard. The foreword and introduction will be replaced by text from ISO/CS, and editorial comments from ISO/CS will be accomodated. An annex describing the changes from the CEN ENV will be added to the standard. The detailed editing will be: The word "Prestandard" will be changed to "International Standard". The word "European" will be removed from the title. In clause 4 the text "The Technical Board of CEN has designated as Registration Authority of this Prestandard:" will be changed to: The ISO and IEC councils shall designate a Registration Authority for this International Standard. The initial Registration Authority is designated to be:" The audience in subclause d) is changed from "CEN member bodies, Associated member bodies and Liaisons of the committee" to "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 members and liaisons" The audience in subclause h) is changed from "CEN member bodies, Associated member bodies and Liaisons" to "ISO/IEC JTC1 members and liaisons" In clause 5 subclause b) is changed to "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 for proposals related to wider regions." In clause 7.2, replace "CEN Technical Committee". with JTC 1 subcommittee In clause 7.4, replace the first "CEN Technical Committee" with JTC 1 subcommittee, replace the second "CEN" with "its", and remove the last subsentence after the last comma. in C.3 change "CEN ENV" to "ISO/IEC 15897" Denmark: Accepted. See response to Canada. The fax number in clause 4 will be changed to +45 3920-8948 Finland: FI-1: It is expected that the standard will be revised, to accomodate amongst other issues new standards like ISO/IEC 14651 and 14652. FI-2: Accepted, see response to Canada. Ireland: IE-1: Accepted in principle, see response to Canada. IE-2: Accepted. Japan The registry standard does register beyond the current X/Open registry the items: Narrative Cultural Specifications, POSIX carmaps and repertoiremaps. The standard also adds normative referencing to this, and the data is freely available on the Internet. This standard, the CEN and DS standards are technically equivalent, and appoints the same registration autorithy so they can be seen as unified. The X/Open registry contains only a subset of the items, and is not a dejure registry. JP-1: Not accepted. The X/Open registry contains only a subset of the items, and is not a dejure registry. JP-2: Accepted in principle. The technical content of this standard, the CEN and DS standards (and other implementations of the standard in CE member countries) are the same, and thus unified. JP-3: Accepted in principle. There is a plan for revision of the standard, to incorporate registration of ISO/IEC 14652 items, and possibly other items. (alternatively: there is currently no plan for revision of this standard, alternatively: CEN is preparing a revision). JP-4: Accepted in principle. The proposal has been reviewed by the JTC 1 registry rapporteur group and they had no specific comments. JP-5: Accepted in principle. See response to Canada. JP-6: Accepted in principle. A registration authority has been assigned by ISO/IEC JTC 1. The Netherlands: NL-1: The Netherlands position could not be resolved since the Netherlands continues to object to the procedures used to adopt this standard. Sweden: SE-1. Accepted. See response to Canada. SE-2: Not accepted. The mandatory language of English is only required for the narrative cultural specifications. There is no need to further specify this. SE-3: Not accepted. The annexes follow a logical reading, where related anexes are adjacant. In annex E the informative text is examples which are informative anyway according to JTC 1 rules, and it is beneficial for the reader of the standard that examples are adjacant to the normative text1/2 SE-4: Accepted. 6.11 changed to 6.8 SE-5: Accepted in principle. More explanations is planned to occur at the web site of the registry, and also in ISO/IEC 14766. UK UK-1 & 2: The United Kingdom position could not be resolved since the UK continues to object to the procedures used to adopt this standard and to the implications of the likely immediate revision of the CEN standard. USA US-1: Accepted in principle. See response to Canada. As an international standard the specification carries more weight. US-2: This comment could not be resolved since the United States continues to believe that the standard should have applicability broader than the POSIX environment. US-3: The narrative specification is a freeform specification, and specific rules are because of that nature not relevant. Further guidelines may be developed in a future revision of the standard, when more experience have been gained. For now, the standard does allow the member bodies to specify what they want. As such, license plate formats, postal code formats and former country associations may be entered. It is not needed to recast information into POSIX syntax to register for example IBM NLS information. The POSIX information is optional. US-4: Not accepted. The reorder-after construct is necessary in this standard, as it facilitates the registration procedure, and it is not normatively specified anywhere else. RECONSIDERATION OF BALLOT POSITIONS In view of the above, the National Bodies of Canada and Ireland changed their ballots to positive votes. The National Bodies of Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States retained their negative votes. Sweden was not present and its negative vote stands. The final result is a total of five negative votes. The DIS ballot therefore passes. The project will be assigned to SC22/WG20 and SC22 is requested to instruct WG20 to take the comments in N2717 and the above responses into account when maintaining the standard. _____________________ end of SC22 N2812 _______________________________