
JTC1/SC2/WG2/IRG  N660

Date: 1998.05.21





Ideographic Rapporteur Group


Resolutions of IRG #13



Source :   IRG

Meeting: WU Chung House, HKSAR

Title :      IRG #13 Resolutions


The IRG#13 makes the following resolutions:


Resolution  IRG M13.1: Extension B printing formats


The IRG resolves to have two separate documents:

  1. An IRG internal editorial document (Extension B-Working document )
  2. A separate document which will be submitted to WG2 for publication and be included in the part 2 plane 2 of  ISO10646 standard


Resolution  IRG M13.2: Extension B Working Document Format


For the IRG internal working document, format specified in N615R will be used.


Resolution  IRG M13.3: ISO 10646 format for part 2 plane 2


Based on WG2’s request, IRG resolves to separate the source information from the glyph image table for WG2. Because over 95% of extension B comes from traditional sources, it is possible to consolidate the three columns into a single column format. Therefore, for standard publication, the glyph image table will use the one column format suggested by WG2, and the choice of glyph image for each character will be based on the following principles:


a.       If a character is found in Kangxi Dictionary, the traditional style glyph image will be used.

b.      If a character is from a single source and is not found in Kangxi Dictionary, the glyph image from that source will be used.

c.       If a character is from multiple sources and is not found in Kangxi Dictionary, consensus will be sought to choose the one closest to the Kangxi style.


Resolution IRG M13.4: ISO 10646 part 2 plane 2  source information


Source information will be provided to WG2 in machine readable form.



Resolution IRG M13.5: working schedule for the publication of Extension A for ISO10646, second edition


IRG members accept the following schedule:

a.       The Chief Editor will send Camera-ready copies to other IRG editors by 10th June 1999 through express mail.

b.      IRG editors will provide feedback on printing errors to the Chief Editor before 24th June 1999.

c.       The final camera-ready copy will be submitted to SC2 secretary before 30th June 1999.


Resolution IRG M13.6: Editorial report, N654


IRG accepts the editorial report N654.

In case the production of Extension B V6 falls behind schedule, the latest reviewed  version of Extension B will be submitted to WG2.


Resolution IRG M13.7: Proposal for additional ideographs, N659R


IRG accepts the Proposal for additional ideographs in Extension B, N659R.


Resolution IRG M13.8: Part 2 Compatibility support


IRG recognizes the problem raised in N655.  IRG members are requested to study this problem and submit their views in IRG#14.


Resolution IRG M13.9: response to WG2’s concerns on WG2 N1952


IRG instructs Japan to draft the response to WG2 N1952, and send it through email to members by 10th June 1999. Members will send any feedback to Japan by 30th June 1999. Japan will finalize the response and send it to the Rapporteur before 20th July 1999. The Rapporteur is instructed to submit the finalized document to WG2.



Resolution IRG M13.10: Ba Gua and ideograph related Symbols


China is encouraged to submit a paper concerning the encoding of Ba Gua and other ideograph related symbols to be discussed in IRG#14. Other IRG members are also encouraged to study the encoding of Ba Gua and other ideograph related symbols and submit their views in IRG#14


Resolution IRG M13.11 : Future meetings


IRG resolves to adopt the following meeting schedule:

IRG#14    Singapore, 6-10 December 1999

IRG#15    Taiwan, 15-19 May 2000

IRG#16                  Korea, November 2000


IRG resolves to hold an editorial ad hoc meeting on 25th-27th August 1999 in Beijing.


Resolution  IRG M13.12 : Appreciation


IRG would like to express its sincere appreciation to the IRG#13 meeting host,  Information Technology Services Department, the Government of the HKSAR, Mr. Kam-Hung Lau, Mr. Daniel Lam, Mr. Rex Tong, Ms. Marianne Li, Mr. Thomas Tam,  Mr Mathew Mui, Ms. Abbey Leung, Mr. Caesar Kan, and all the supporting staff of ITSD for their excellent logistics, arrangement and hospitality. We are also grateful to the functions sponsored by Hong Kong Productivity Council, IBM China/Hong Kong Limited, Hewlett-Packard Hong Kong Limited, Lotus Development Software (Hong Kong) Limited, and Hong Kong Telecom Interactive Multimedia Services.