L2/00-239 Mark Davis on 07/07/2000 09:30:45 AM Please respond to unicore@unicode.org Subject: UTC Agenda item: Mathematical Letter Symbols There are two topics that we need to cover at the next meeting having to do with the Mathematical Letter Symbols 1. Do we recommend the use of these characters in rich-text environments: in environments like MathML that have rich enough structure to encode the proper information (and more, of course)? 2. Do we categorize these characters as Letters or as Symbols? Here are my thoughts on them. 1. Markup. Fundamentally, once the characters are encoded in Unicode 3.1, and are used in accordance with their plaintext semantics, their use is conformant even in environments where they would be better replaced by markup or other out-of-band information. So in some sense, the only thing the UTC can do is make a recommendation. However, we should try to give guidance on the use of these characters and their interaction with markup. Since mathematics (except for fragments) has fundamentally a non-linear structure, thus requiring markup or equivalent for correct representation, and since mathematics is fundamentally generative (with some inventive mathematicians somewhere using some interesting glyphs to convey some distinction), I think our recommendation should be to replace the clones with markup in interchange. 2. Symbols The only basis for adding these characters are that they are NOT treated as letters -- that they are treated as symbols. Categorizing them as Sm -- mathematical symbols -- will result in more applications correctly handing them, and distinguishing them from the true letters. For consistency, we should revisit the few scattered characters in the BMP that are filling holes in the math characters, as listed in http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr24/charts/ScriptChart0.html. I feel sufficiently strongly about this that if we cannot agree to change the few scattered characters, that we should go ahead and fill the holes, mark them all as Sm, and discourage the use of the scattered ones. Mark