L2/01-336 From: Mark Davis, Cathy Wissink Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 6:53 PM Subject: Message to the IDN nameprep group about Traditional/Simplified Chinese =================================================================== The Unicode Technical Committee discussed this issue at meeting # 88 (Aug 14 - Aug 17). It recommends that Traditional-Simplified Chinese mapping not be added to nameprep. In practice, such names will either all be in traditional or all be simplified, thus normally having only two variants. Thus the combinatorics are far less of a problem than in case mapping. Clarifying text should be added to nameprep or other appropriate places, to the effect that: "Nameprep does not account for all of the variations that may occur or that a user might expect. In particular, it will not account for choice of spellings within the same language. Examples include "theater.com" vs. "theatre.com", and "hemoglobin.com" vs. "hmoglobin.com" in American vs. British English. Other examples are simplified Chinese spellings of domain names (e.g., ".com") vs. the equivalent traditional Chinese spelling (resp. ".com"). Nor does nameprep account for language-specific equivalences such as "aepfel.com" vs. "pfel.com" (considered equivalent in German). For such variants, multiple entries in zone files are recommended. Mark Davis Cathy Wissink