L2/01-353 (WG20 specific)

SC22/WG20 N868  (specifically for WG20)


Resolutions Prepared at the Fourteenth Plenary Meeting of


Kona, Hawaii, USA





Resolution 01-30:  Periodic Review List for 2003


JTC 1/SC22 instructs all SC22 WGs to review N3222 and provide written recommendations prior to the 2002 SC22 Plenary for all of their standards that are included on the Five-Year Review list for 2003.



Resolution 01-16:  Appointment of Liaison Representative to ECMA


JTC 1/SC22 appoints Mr. Rex Jaeschke as its liaison representative to ECMA.





Resolution 01-17:  Call for Liaison Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC2


JTC 1/SC22 instructs the Secretariat to issue a “Call for Volunteers” for liaison representative to JTC 1/SC2.





Resolution 01-18: Letter Ballot - Establishment of Liaison with IETF


In response to the request from WG20 (N3284) to establish a liaison with IETF, JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to issue an SC22 Letter Ballot on the following:


The Internet Engineering Task Force has requested a Category A liaison with ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22. The Rationale for this request is contained in document N3284. ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22 agrees instead to offer IETF a category C liaison with ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22.





Resolution 01-18a: Request for appointment of JTC1 Coordinating Officer


Noting that IETF currently has liaisons with SC2, SC6, and SC27, JTC 1/SC22 requests that JTC 1 appoint Mr. Doug Johnson as JTC1 Coordinating Officer for its IETF liaisons (see Resolution 01-18 and JTC1 Directives 





Resolution 01-22:  Letter Ballot - Revision of TR 10176 - Guidelines for the Preparation of Programming Language Standards


JTC 1/SC22 instructs the SC22 Secretariat to issue a Letter Ballot on the following:


JTC 1/SC22 authorizes the start of a revision (currently in WG20) of TR 10176, to align its Annex A with the repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646, parts 1 and 2, taking into account the proposed method in SC22 N3249.





Resolution 01-23:  Letter Ballot - Request to Include Annex A of TR 10176 on ITTF Website


JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to conduct a letter ballot on the following:


SC22 requests its Secretariat to ask JTC1 for approval to put Annex A of TR 10176 on the ITTF website (as per SC22 N3249).





Resolution 01-24:  Letter Ballot - Future of WG20


JTC 1/SC22 instructs the Secretariat to conduct a letter ballot on the following question:

Please choose one of the following:

1.            Reassign all existing projects of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 20's to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 and disband WG 20. Such reassignment to take place following WG 20's October, 2001, meeting. Handle new work item proposals concerning any internationalization issue raised in SC22 or JTC1.  (Note: SC22/WG20 is also a part of the JTC1 Technical Direction on Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability and User Interfaces [CLAUI].)


2.            Reconfirm WG20's mandate as is, allowing it to progress its current projects and handle any new work item that would occur in its programme of work.


Approve - 4 (Japan, Netherlands, UK, USA)

Disapprove - 2 (Canada, Norway)

Abstain - 0


Resolution 01-25:  Processing DTR 14652 - Functionality for Internationalization Specification Method for Cultural Conventions


JTC 1/SC22 returned ISO/IEC DTR 14652 to SC22/WG20 under document N3261. SC22 directs WG20 to process DTR 14652 as follows:

-               Hold a ballot resolution meeting to resolve the issues raised during balloting, and to prepare a Disposition of Comments document, including explicit identification of areas that cannot be resolved.

-               Repackage DTR 14652 to clearly identify the non-controversial and controversial portions of the document,

-               Prepare a report explaining the changes to DTR 14652,

-               Resubmit DTR 14652 together with the report of changes to JTC1 for DTR balloting.


Approve - 4 (Japan, Netherlands, UK, USA)

Disapprove - 0

Abstain - 2 (Canada, Norway)



Resolution 01-26:  Letter Ballot - Withdrawal of JTC 1.22.15435 - API for Internationalization


JTC 1/SC22 notes that JTC 1.22.15435 - API for Internationalization has exceeded its time for proceeding to CD stage; has been extended; and WG20 has failed to submit a CD registration ballot as directed by resolution 00-20.


SC22 requests JTC1 to withdraw the project. SC22 further requests SC22/WG20 develop an NP for a Type 2 TR, or a Type 3 TR, which addresses the functionality of 15435 and addresses current practice in existing programming languages.


Approve - 4 (Canada, Japan, Netherlands, UK, USA)

Disapprove - 1 (Norway)

Abstain - 0



Resolution 01-27:  SC22 Relationship With CEN TC304


JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to investigate the relationship of SC22 and CEN TC304 to determine whether CEN TC304 is an authorized body to request registration of the profile in N3265; the status of N3265 within CEN TC304; and to take appropriate action.





Resolution 01-28:  Identification of SC22 Liaisons


JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to prepare a summary and guidance for the SC22 2002 Plenary regarding SC22 liaisons, especially those for which there are no named liaison persons.





Resolution 01-33:  Character Set Issues


JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Chairman to prepare a list of character set issues to be examined by an ad hoc at the 2002 SC22 Plenary in Finland.

