L2/01-364 SC22/WG20 N887 From: Matthew Deane [mdeane@ANSI.org] Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 3:55 PM Subject: (SC22docs.1242) SC 22 N 3328 - Letter Ballot on Withdrawal of Project JTC 1.22.15 435 - APIs for Internationalization ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces Secretariat: U.S.A. (ANSI) ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 N3328 TITLE: Letter Ballot on Withdrawal of Project JTC 1.22.15435 - APIs for Internationalization DATE ASSIGNED: 2001-10-05 SOURCE: SC 22 Secretariat BACKWARD POINTER: N/A DOCUMENT TYPE: Other document (Open) PROJECT NUMBER: 22.15435 STATUS: Per Kona Resolution 01-26, this letter ballot is circulated to SC 22 members. Please respond by the due date indicated. ACTION IDENTIFIER: LB DUE DATE: 2002-01-07 DISTRIBUTION: Text CROSS REFERENCE: DISTRIBUTION FORM: Open Address reply to: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat Matt Deane ANSI 25 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 642-4992 Fax: (212) 840-2298 Email: mdeane@ansi.org ______end of cover page, beginning of letter ballot______________ JTC 1/SC 22 Letter Ballot FROM THE MEMBER BODY OF:_________________________________ On document SC 22 N3328, Letter Ballot on Withdrawal of Project JTC 1.22.15435 - APIs for Internationalization. The following resolution was passed at the SC 22 Kona Plenary: Resolution 01-26: Letter Ballot - Withdrawal of JTC 1.22.15435 - API for Internationalization JTC 1/SC22 notes that JTC 1.22.15435 - API for Internationalization has exceeded its time for proceeding to CD stage; has been extended; and WG20 has failed to submit a CD registration ballot as directed by resolution 00-20. SC22 requests JTC1 to withdraw the project. SC22 further requests SC22/WG20 develop an NP for a Type 2 TR, or a Type 3 TR, which addresses the functionality of 15435 and addresses current practice in existing programming languages. This letter ballot is to be returned by each 'P' member to the SC 22 Secretariat no later than 2002-01-07. _____________________________________________________ ____We support the withdrawal request to be sent to JTC 1 for approval. Or ____ We support the withdrawal request to be sent to JTC 1 for approval with the attached comments. Or ____ We do not support the withdrawal request to be sent to JTC 1 for approval. Or ____We abstain from voting. Please be reminded that 'P' Members have an obligation to vote. *Place an "X" on the line that applies. Name (please print)____________________________________________________ Signature (if mailed)____________________________________________________ Date:_________________ ___________________end of letter ballot_____________