

written by Tet Orita, IBM Japan on Oct 23, 2001

Change history

Initially created on Oct 23, 2001


This page shows the FAQ about JIS X0213 standard.


a.  What is JIS X0213?

JIS X0213, "7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded extended Kanji sets for information interchange," is new Japanese national standard of coded character set established by JISC (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee) in January 2000. It enumerates 11,223 characters which extends 4,344 characters from JIS X0208 standard. It consists of 10,040 Kanji (ideographic) characters and 1,183 non-Kanji (non-ideographic) characters. These characters are arranged in two planes of a 94-row-by-94-cell matrix. Also, as informative annex, three encoding methods are defined as the extension from existing defacto encodings, that is, Shift JIS, EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP.

b. How is it related to some existing JISs?

There are several JIS coded character set standards. JIS X0201 is the single byte coded character set which adapts ISO/IEC 646 standard in Japan. JIS X0208, JIS X0212 and JIS X0213 are the double byte coded character sets, and JIS X0221 is the multi-byte coded character set which is corresponding to ISO/IEC 10646. JIS X0208 is the primary double byte coded character set used for Japanese. Although both of JIS X0212 and JIS X0213 Kanji standards have been established as the supplement to JIS X0208 standard, their scopes of source character set are different.

c. How is it related to Unicode / ISO/IEC 10646 ?

Almost all characters in JIS X0213 have corresponding character on Unicode / ISO/IEC 10646. Only few non-Kanji characters are represented by composite sequence on Unicode / ISO/IEC 10646. All kanji characters are mapped to any block of CJK Unified Ideographs, CJK Compatibility Ideographs, CJK Unified Ideographs Extension-A or CJK Unified Ideographs Extension-B on Unicode 3.1 / ISO/IEC 10646 Part-1 and Part-2, or mapped to CJK Compatibility Ideographs (Extension) currently being reviewed as one of Unicode 3.2 enhancement / the amendment 1 of ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000. Similarly, non-kanji characters are mapped to ISO 10646-1:2000 and its amendment 1.

d. Where to get more information?

For more information about JIS X0213 standard, you could contact Japanese Standards Association.
And, for the code conversion table between Unicode and JIS X0213 and their associated encodings, you could obtain from Unicode Web Site (URL: tbd).