CANADA Approves the FPDAM-1 text in document SC2 N3530 with the following comments. ---------- Comment 1. Request for new fixed collection identifiers: So far we have had in the standard collection identifiers that are in synchronism with significant versions of the Unicode Standard. For example: 301 - corresponds to Unicode 2.0 (Part 1 upto Amd 7); 302 - corresponds to Unciode 3.0. Use of these fixed collection identifiers are in resource definitions such as conversion tables to identify the fixed repertoire of UCS characters involved in the conversion. It would be useful to have collection identifiers correspond to Unicode 3.1 and (for the planned) Unicode 3.2. These new collectios include characters from the BMP as well as Supplementary Planes. - Repertoire of Unicode 3.1 -- corresponds to Collection 302 plus the fixed collection for Part 2 of 2001 plus two Greek characters at 03F4 and 03F5 from this FPDAM-1. - Repertoire of planned Unicode 3.2 corresponds to Unicode 3.1 collection plus the final set of FPDAM-1 additions to the BMP (including the two Greek characters in 302). Collection definitons in the expanded format similar to the definitions for collections 301 and 302 in 10646-1: 2000, Annex A, are given below. The private use planes are included in these collections similar to the inclusion of PUA in the BMP in existing collections 301 and 302. ========================== Collection xxx - Unicode 3.1 * Plane 0 (x'00') (Note: the following reflects 10646-1: 2000 plus 03F4 and 03F5 that are in Unicode 3.1 plane 0) Rows Positions (cells) 00 20-7E A0-FF 01 00-FF 02 00-1F 22-33 50-AD B0-EE 03 00-4E 60-62 74-75 7A 7E 84-8A 8C 8E-A1 A3-CE D0-D7 DA-F3 F4-F5 04 00-86 88-89 8C-C4 C7-C8 CB-CC D0-F5 F8-F9 05 31-56 59-5F 61-87 89-8A 91-A1 A3-B9 BB-C4 D0-EA F0-F4 06 0C 1B 1F 21-3A 40-55 60-6D 70-ED F0-FE 07 00-0D 0F-2C 30-4A 80-B0 09 01-03 05-39 3C-4D 50-54 58-70 81-83 85-8C 8F-90 93-A8 AA-B0 B2 B6-B9 BC BE-C4 C7-C8 CB-CD D7 DC-DD DF-E3 E6-FA 0A 02 05-0A 0F-10 13-28 2A-30 32-33 35-36 38-39 3C 3E-42 47-48 4B-4D 59-5C 5E 66-74 81-83 85-8B 8D 8F-91 93-A8 AA-B0 B2-B3 B5-B9 BC-C5 C7-C9 CB-CD D0 E0 E6-EF 0B 01-03 05-0C 0F-10 13-28 2A-30 32-33 36-39 3C-43 47-48 4B-4D 56-57 5C-5D 5F-61 66-70 82-83 85-8A 8E-90 92-95 99-9A 9C 9E-9F A3-A4 A8-AA AE-B5 B7-B9 BE-C2 C6-C8 CA-CD D7 E7-F2 0C 01-03 05-0C 0E-10 12-28 2A-33 35-39 3E-44 46-48 4A-4D 55-56 60-61 66-6F 82-83 85-8C 8E-90 92-A8 AA-B3 B5-B9 BE-C4 C6-C8 CACD D5-D6 DE E0-E1 E6-EF 0D 02-03 05-0C 0E-10 12-28 2A-39 3E-43 46-48 4A-4D 57 60-61 66-6F 82-83 85-96 9A-B1 B3-BB BD C0-C6 CA CF-D4 D6 D8-DF F2-F4 0E 01-3A 3F-5B 81-82 84 87-88 8A 8D 94-97 99-9F A1-A3 A5 A7 AA-AB AD-B9 BB-BD C0-C4 C6 C8-CD D0-D9 DC-DD 0F 00-47 49-6A 71-8B 90-97 99-BC BE-CC CF 10 00-21 23-27 29-2A 2C-32 36-39 40-59 A0-C5 D0-F6 FB 11 00-59 5F-A2 A8-F9 12 00-06 08-46 48 4A-4D 50-56 58 5A-5D 60-86 88 8A-8D 90-AE B0 B2-B5 B8-BE C0 C2-C5 C8-CE D0-D6 D8-EE F0-FF 13 00-0E 10 12-15 18-1E 20-46 48-5A 61-7C A0-F4 14-15 1401-15FF 16 00-76 80-9C A0-F0 17 80-DC E0-E9 18 00-0E 10-19 20-77 80-A9 1E 00-9B A0-F9 1F 00-15 18-1D 20-45 48-4D 50-57 59 5B 5D 5F-7D 80-B4 B6-C4 C6-D3 D6-DB DD-EF F2-F4 F6-FE 20 00-46 48-4D 6A-70 74-8E A0-AF D0-E3 21 00-3A 53-83 90-F3 22 00-F1 23 00-7B 7D-9A 24 00-26 40-4A 60-EA 25 00-95 A0-F7 26 00-13 19-71 27 01-04 06-09 0C-27 29-4B 4D 4F-52 56 58-5E 61-67 76-94 98-AF B1-BE 28 00-FF 2E 80-99 9B-F3 2F 00-D5 F0-FB 30 00-3A 3E-3F 41-94 99-9E A1-FE 31 05-2C 31-8E 90-B7 32 00-1C 20-43 60-7B 7F-B0 C0-CB D0-FE 33 00-76 7B-DD E0-FE 34-4D 3400-4DB5 4E-9F 4E00-9FA5 A0-A3 A000-A3FF A4 00-8C 90-A1 A4-B3 B5-C0 C2-C4 C6 AC-D7 AC00-D7A3 E0-F9 E000-F9FF F9-FA F900-FA2D FB 00-06 13-17 1D-36 38-3C 3E 40-41 43-44 46-B1 D3-FF FC 00-FF FD 00-3F 50-8F 92-C7 F0-FB FE 20-23 30-44 49-52 54-66 68-6B 70-72 74 76- FC FF FF 01-5E 61-BE C2-C7 CA-CF D2-D7 DA-DC E0-E6 E8-EE F9-FD (Note: The following plane 1, plane 2, plane 14, plane 15 and plane 16 reflect content of 10646-2: 2001) Plane 1 (x'01') Rows Positions (cells) 03 00-1E 20-23 30-4A 04 00-25 29-4D D0 00-F5 D1 00-26 2A-DD D4 00-54 56-9C 9E-9F A2 A5-A6 A9-AC AE-B9 BB BD-C0 C2-C3 C5-FF D5 00-05 07-0A 0D-14 16-1C 1E-39 3B-3E 40-44 46 4A-50 52-FF D6 00-A3 A8-FF D7 00-C9 CE-FF Plane 2 (x'02') Rows Positions (cells) 00-A6 0000-A6D6 F8-FA F800-FA1D Plane 14 (x'0E') Rows Positions (cells) 00 01 20-7F Plane 15 (x'0F') Rows Positions (cells) 00-FF 0000-FFFD Plane 16 (x'10') Rows Positions (cells) 00-FF 0000-FFFD ============================================================================================== Collection xxx - Unicode 3.2 * Plane 0 (To be adjusted based on final FPDAM-1 content for BMP) Rows Positions (cells) 00 20-7E A0-FF 01 00-FF 02 00-20 22-33 50-AD B0-EE 03 00-4F 60-6F 74-75 7A 7E 84-8A 8C 8E-A1 A3-CE D0-F6 04 00-86 88-CE D0-F5 F8-F9 05 00-FF 31-56 59-5F 61-87 89-8A 91-A1 A3-B9 BB-C4 D0-EA F0-F4 06 0C 1B 1F 21-3A 40-55 60-6F 70-ED F0-FE 07 00-0D 0F-2C 30-4A 80-B1 09 01-03 05-39 3C-4D 50-54 58-70 81-83 85-8C 8F-90 93-A8 AA-B0 B2 B6-B9 BC BE-C4 C7-C8 CB-CD D7 DC-DD DF-E3 E6-FA 0A 02 05-0A 0F-10 13-28 2A-30 32-33 35-36 38-39 3C 3E-42 47-48 4B-4D 59-5C 5E 66-74 81-83 85-8B 8D 8F-91 93-A8 AA-B0 B2-B3 B5-B9 BC-C5 C7-C9 CB-CD D0 E0 E6-EF 0B 01-03 05-0C 0F-10 13-28 2A-30 32-33 36-39 3C-43 47-48 4B-4D 56-57 5C-5D 5F-61 66-70 82-83 85-8A 8E-90 92-95 99-9A 9C 9E-9F A3-A4 A8-AA AE-B5 B7-B9 BE-C2 C6-C8 CA-CD D7 E7-F2 0C 01-03 05-0C 0E-10 12-28 2A-33 35-39 3E-44 46-48 4A-4D 55-56 60-61 66-6F 82-83 85-8C 8E-90 92-A8 AA-B3 B5-B9 BE-C4 C6-C8 CACD D5-D6 DE E0-E1 E6-EF 0D 02-03 05-0C 0E-10 12-28 2A-39 3E-43 46-48 4A-4D 57 60-61 66-6F 82-83 85-96 9A-B1 B3-BB BD C0-C6 CA CF-D4 D6 D8-DF F2-F4 0E 01-3A 3F-5B 81-82 84 87-88 8A 8D 94-97 99-9F A1-A3 A5 A7 AA-AB AD-B9 BB-BD C0-C4 C6 C8-CD D0-D9 DC-DD 0F 00-47 49-6A 71-8B 90-97 99-BC BE-CC CF 10 00-21 23-27 29-2A 2C-32 36-39 40-59 A0-C5 D0-F8 FB 11 00-59 5F-A2 A8-F9 12 00-06 08-46 48 4A-4D 50-56 58 5A-5D 60-86 88 8A-8D 90-AE B0 B2-B5 B8-BE C0 C2-C5 C8-CE D0-D6 D8-EE F0-FF 13 00-0E 10 12-15 18-1E 20-46 48-5A 61-7C A0-F4 14-15 1401-15FF 16 00-76 80-9C A0-F0 17 00-0C, 0E-14, 20-36, 40-53, 60-6C, 6E-70, 72-73, 80-DC E0-E9 18 00-0E 10-19 20-77 80-A9 1E 00-9B A0-F9 1F 00-15 18-1D 20-45 48-4D 50-57 59 5B 5D 5F-7D 80-B4 B6-C4 C6-D3 D6-DB DD-EF F2-F4 F6-FE 20 00-52 57 5F-63 6A-71 74-8E A0-B1 D0-EA 21 00-3A 3D-4B 53-83 90-FF 22 00-FF 23 00-CE 24 00-26 40-4A 60-FE 25 00-FF 26 00-13 16-17 19-71 72-7D 80-89 27 01-04 06-09 0C-27 29-4B 4D 4F-52 56 58-5E 61-94 98-AF B1-BE D0-E5, F0-FF 28-2A 2800-2AFF 2E 80-99 9B-F3 2F 00-D5 F0-FB 30 00-3F 41-96 99-FF 31 05-2C 31-8E 90-B7 F0-FF 32 00-1C 20-43 51-7B 7F-CB D0-FE 33 00-76 7B-DD E0-FE 34-4D 3400-4DB5 4E-9F 4E00-9FA5 A0-A3 A000-A3FF A4 00-8C 90-C6 AC-D7 AC00-D7A3 E0-F9 E000-F9FF FA 00-2D 30-6B FB 00-06 13-17 1D-36 38-3C 3E 40-41 43-44 46-B1 D3-FF FC 00-FF FD 00-3F 50-8F 92-C7 F0-FB FE 00 20-23 30-46 49-52 54-66 68-6B 70-74 76-FC FF FF 01-5E 61-BE C2-C7 CA-CF D2-D7 DA-DC E0-E6 E8-EE F9-FD (Note: The following plane 1, plane 2, plane 14, plane 15 and plane 16 reflect content of 10646-2: 2001) Plane 1 (x'01') Rows Positions (cells) 03 00-1E 20-23 30-4A 04 00-25 29-4D D0 00-F5 D1 00-26 2A-DD D4 00-54 56-9C 9E-9F A2 A5-A6 A9-AC AE-B9 BB BD-C0 C2-C3 C5-FF D5 00-05 07-0A 0D-14 16-1C 1E-39 3B-3E 40-44 46 4A-50 52-FF D6 00-A3 A8-FF D7 00-C9 CE-FF Plane 2 (x'02') Rows Positions (cells) 00-A6 0000-A6D6 F8-FA F800-FA1D Plane 14 (x'0E') Rows Positions (cells) 00 01 20-7F Plane 15 (x'0F') Rows Positions (cells) 00-FF 0000-FFFD Plane 16 (x'10') Rows Positions (cells) 00-FF 0000-FFFD ----------- Comment 2. Distinguishing Editorial Corrections to Glyphs from New Characters in Charts The following code positions are shown SHADED in the charts: 066B-066C (Arabic, shown Shaded on page 20, Table 16, Row 06) 125C (Ethiopic, Shown shaded on page 28, Table 38, Row 12) 17DB (Khmer, shown shaded on page 38, Table 52, Row 17) 2114 (Letter-like symbols, shown shaded on page 48, Table 62, Row 21) 2216, 224C (Mathematical Operators, shown shaded on page 52, Table 65, Row 22) 2380-238C (Miscellaneous Technical, shown shaded on Page 58, Table 68, Row 23) 25AA-25AB (Geometric Shapes, shown shaded on page 64, Table 74, Row 25) Looks like these are Corrections to Glyphs rather than Additions to the BMP in this Amendment, in response to some of the comments on FPDAM-1 that are dealt with as editorial corrigenda. If this is the case, a separate paragraph should be added to FPDAM-1 to list these code positions as having corrected glyphs. If any of these positions are added during the amendment, it should be added to the list of code positions or new tables that have been listed in the amendment under item 1 on page 1. If there are any other similar EDITORIAL corrigenda incorporated in this amendment, it should also be included under this new paragraph. The original intent of showing positions shaded (yellow on on-screen view of the pdf files) in the charts was to show added characters / scripts in this amendment. It seems to have been expanded to include editorial corrections also. -------- Comment 3. Table 5 titles Title of Table 5 on page 26 and page 27 are both: Table 5 - Row 01: Latin Extended B and that of Table 6 on page 28 and 29 are both: Table 6 - Rows 01-02: Latin Extended B For consistency, title of Table 5 on pages 26 and 27 should be the same as that of Table 6 on pages 28 and 29, i.e.: Table 5 - Rows 01-02: Latin Extended B ------- Comment 4. MES-3A and MES-3B Definitions Definitions of MES-3A and MES-3B are NOT identical to the source CEN Workshop Agreement from which they originated. These labels cannot be used as is if the definition of the collections are changed from those in the CWA. If there is consensus from other European NBs (whose experts also participated in the development of this CWA) to use another label for the changed definition that is an alternative. Otherwise, these collections should be postponed for addition in a future amendment to Part 1. ------------- Comment 5.Proposal for an Editorial Corrigendum to 10646-1: 2000 (The following is also a separate contribution to SC2 WG2. It is not related directly to this FPDAM text. Canada requests that the corrections be included in Amendment 1 to 10646-1: 2000.) The following are Transcription or Typographical errors in the collection definitions for collections 301 and 302 in Annex A of 10646-1: 2000. Annex A, clause A.3.1; definition of collection 301 BMP-AMD.7 needs the following correction: Row 0B entry .. .. 8E-90 92-25 99-9A .. should be: .. 8E-90 92-95 99-9A .. Annex A, definition of Collection 302 BMP Second Edition needs the following corrections: Row 02 entry .. 00-33 50-AD B0-EE should be: .. 00-1F 22-33 50-AD B0-EE Row 07 entry .. 00-0D 0F-2C 30-4A 80-BF should be: .. 00-0D 0F-2C 30-4A 80-B0 Row 0B entry .. 8E-90 92-25 99-9A .. should be: .. 8E-90 92-95 99-9A .. Row 12 entry .. 20-26 28-46 .. .. should be: .. 00-06 08-46 .. Row 34-4D entry 3400-4DBF should be 3400-4DB5 ------------