L2/03-421 Proposed U.S. NB Recommendation to JTC 1 on transfer of ISO/IEC 14651 from SC22 to SC2 Noting that the ballots to transfer ISO/IEC 14651 project from SC22 to SC2 has been completed and successfully passed by both committees, the U.S. national body recommends to JTC1 to adopt the following two recommendations at the plenary meeting in November 2003; the changes are in italics and underlined: 1. Recommendation 1: Modification of JTC 1/ SC 2 Scope. In anticipation of the transfer of ISO/IEC 14651 project from SC22 to SC2, the U.S. national body recommends that SC2 modifies its scope by including the phrase "including String Ordering" in it to read as follows: "Standardization of graphic character sets and their characteristics, including string ordering, associated control functions, their coded representation of characters for information interchange, and code extension techniques. Excluded: audio and picture coding." 2. Recommendation 2: Assignment of ISO/IEC 14651 in JTC 1/SC 2. With reference to the anticipated transfer of ISO/IEC 14651 from SC 22 to SC 2, and due to the close relationship between ISO/IEC 10646 and ISO/IEC 14651, the U.S. national body recommends that JTC 1 requests SC2 to assign the project to SC2/WG2 rather than create a new working group. The title of SC2/WG2 should be expanded correspondingly to read: "Multiple-octet codes and string ordering". Here are the relevant two resolutions that SC2/WG2 took at their recent meeting # 44 in Mountain View, CA in October 2003. One is to modify slightly the SC2 scope and one that requests SC2 to assign the work to SC2/WG2 rather than creating a new working group. RESOLUTION M44.13 (SC 2 scope and 14651 transfer): Unanimous With reference to documents ballot results in N2616 and N2658 on transferring of ISO/IEC 14651 from SC22 to SC2, WG 2 notes that the ballots to transfer the project to SC 2 have been approved by the respective SCs. In anticipation of the above transfer, WG 2 proposes that SC 2 adopt the following modified scope for SC2, which includes the phrase "including String Ordering" in it: "Standardization of graphic character sets and their characteristics, including string ordering, associated control functions, their coded representation of characters for information interchange and code extension techniques. Excluded: audio and picture coding." SC2 is further requested to relay the above to JTC 1 at its next plenary in November 2003. RESOLUTION M44.14 (Future assignment of 14651 within SC 2): Abstention: Canada Yes: China, Ireland, Japan, Republic of Korea, the Unicode Consortium (liaison) and the USA With reference to the anticipated transfer of ISO/IEC 14651 to SC 2 from SC 22, it is the considered opinion of WG 2 that due to the close relationship between the ISO/IEC 10646 and ISO/IEC 14651, the best home for 14651 in SC 2 is within WG 2, and requests SC 2 to assign the project to WG 2, with a corresponding expansion of the title of WG 2 to say "Multiple-octet codes and string ordering".