L2/06-290 Karl Pentzlin - 2006-08-06 karl-pentzlin@europatastatur.de Comment on L2/04-232 (on the UTC 108 meeting agenda as C.4.5) The proposal L2/04-232 "Bantu phonetic click characters" http://www.unicode.org/L2/L2004/04232-bantu-click.pdf on the agenda for the upcoming UTC 108 meeting at (C.4.5) proposes a character at U+0241 called "LATIN LETTER SCRIPT CAPITAL Q". I strongly oppose to that name, as the proposal shows no evidence that the letter is capital or script (like U+210A or U+1D4AC) or a "Q" in any way (except resembling the glyph). Such a name would be in the tradition of misnomers like U+01A2 "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OI". From the context of the proposal, an appropriate name would be LATIN LETTER VOICED PALATO-ALVEOLAR CLICK.