
Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2006-11-06)

Auto generated on: February 07, 2007 at 11:53:39

From UTC #109 and L2 #206

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
109-A1Eric Muller, John JenkinsSee if characters are missing from Ext C, and communicate with liaison statement to IRG if so. 2006-12-07Done 
109-A2Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline for items included in the WG2 consent docket.2006-11-13Done Pipeline
109-A3Eric MullerFollow up with authors of the Lanna proposal regarding questions and concerns about the model, by December 1. 2006-12-11Done 
109-A3aPeter ConstableFollow up with authors of the Lanna proposal regarding questions and concerns about the model, by December 1.2007-01-04Done 
109-A4Rick McGowanRespond to the author of L2/06-368 that this represents a duplicate encoding and is out of scope. 2007-01-03Done 
109-A5Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to reflect acceptance of 23 Myanmar characters.2006-11-13Done Pipeline
109-A6Ken WhistlerAdd annotation for U+0657 for Kashmiri.2006-12-05DoneNames list
109-A8Asmus Freytag, Editorial CommitteeReflect consensus re handling of versioned data files into the About Technical Reports web page.2007-01-18Done 
109-A10Asmus Freytag, Editorial CommitteeRefresh the draft of UTR #25 by end of December, 2006, as necessary.2007-02-02 DoneUTR #25
109-A11Eric Muller, Editorial CommitteePost up UDHR page and info as per consensus 109-C10.2007-01-18Done 
109-A12Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeProduce proposed update for UAX #15 to define a Normalization Process for Stable Strings (NPSS).2007-01-16DoneUAX #15
109-A13Rick McGowanPost PRI for updated UAX #15 to close January 30, 2007.2007-01-16DonePRI #102
109-A14Rick McGowanClose PRI #95.2006-11-29 Done 
109-A16Rick McGowanRespond on Georgian case folding input. As designed.2007-01-03Done 
109-A17Mark DavisLook at and respond to comments from bqw10602@nifty.com Sadahiro-san (Aug 24, Corrigendum 5) re U+0DCA. 2007-01-21DoneUAX #15
109-A19Rick McGowanRespond to Steffen Kamp (if he hasn't already been notified) re error report on Index.txt. 2007-01-03Done 
109-A20Rick McGowanVerify that WeeSan Lee's error report went to Jenkins; replay if necessary to WeeSan Lee. 2007-01-03DoneUnihan.txt
109-A22Rick McGowanRepond to Charles Cox on DICP if necessary.2007-01-03Done 
109-A23Rick McGowanEnsure that David Zulke has been pointed to CLDR re his input.2007-01-05Done 
109-A31Ken WhistlerUpdate UnicodeData.txt to change the bidi category of U+0600..U+0603, U+06DD. bc=AL --> bc=AN for next version of the standard.2006-12-05DoneUCD
109-A33Rick McGowan, John Jenkins, Richard CookAdd U+6F06, U+9621 to accounting numbers in Unihan database.2007-01-05 DoneUnihan.txt
109-A34Ken WhistlerAdd numeric values for 8 Han characters in UnicodeData.txt for next version of the standard. 2006-12-05DoneUCD
109-A35Rick McGowanFollow up with Ken Karlsson re SI prefix characters and other dispositions on issues in the document. 2007-01-08Done 
109-A36Mark Davis, Eric Muller, Editorial Committee Draft PRI text on the use of ZWJ/ZWNJ in identifiers.2006-11-27 DonePRI #96
109-A37Rick McGowanPost a PRI on the use of ZWJ/ZWNJ in identifiers.2006-11-27DonePRI #96
109-A38Asmus FreytagUse the information in L2/06-371 to propose linebreak property updates.2007-02-02 Done 
109-A42Lisa Moore, Michael KaplanInvite representatives of the Government of Tamil Nadu to the February 2007 UTC meeting.2007-01-22DoneInvited to May UTC
109-A43Michel Suignard, Mark DavisCreate a liaison document to IETF based on the comments in Consensus 109-C20.2007-01-18Done 
109-A44Cary Karp, Lisa MooreSet up future communications by meetings and e-mail.2007-01-18Done  
109-A47Asmus FreytagAdd a note to UAX #11 about why EAW does not obey canonical equivalence.2007-02-02Done UAX #11
109-A48Asmus FreytagAdd a note to UAX #14 about why LB does not obey canonical equivalence, and list the exceptions from L2/06-386.2007-02-02DoneUAX #14
109-A49Mark DavisAdd a note to UAX #31 about why it does not obey canonical equivalence, and list the exceptions from L2/06-386.2007-01-21DoneUAX #31
109-A54Rick McGowanPost PRI for "external link sign" as per consensus 109-C26. To close January 30, 2007.2007-01-16Done PRI #101
109-A55Debbie AndersonProvide thanks and feedback to Charles Riley on Bamum proposal.2007-02-01Done 
109-A61Peter Constable, Mark DavisRespond to Dr. Durrani regarding L2/06-322 and recommend a regional initiative to find and encode novel combinations.2006-11-23Done 
109-A66Rick McGowanSend script subcommittee comments to Michael Everson re Avestan proposal.2006-11-29Done  
109-A68Rick McGowanConnect Swaran Lata with Michael Everson's user list for Meithei, and solicit India's comments. 2006-12-22Done 
109-A70Ken WhistlerUpdate annotation of U+0478 and U+0479 to explain their ambiguity and their relationship to the newly encoded "uk".2006-12-05DoneNames list
109-A71Ken WhistlerAdd an annotation to U+033E indicating that it is the paerok and isn't for palatalization. 2006-12-05DoneNames list
109-A72Eric MullerGet the original Birnbaum document from Joe Becker and add information to put it in context. Add that document to the doc register.2006-11-10DoneL2/06-389
109-A74Ken WhistlerAdd consonant sign cillu to the rejected charaters list.2006-11-14DonePipeline
109-A76Debbie AndersonSend to Swaran Lata the proposal draft on additional Malayalam fractions by Anshuman Pandey. 2007-02-01Done 
109-A80Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline for additions in consensuses 109-C23 through 109-C33.2006-11-14DonePipeline
109-A82Rick McGowanRespond to author of L2/06-301 that these characters will not be encoded because they can already be represented with existing sequences.2007-01-15 Done 
109-A83Lisa MooreAdd agenda items C.9, C.10, C.15 to the agenda for the next UTC meeting.2007-01-26Done agenda

From UTC #108 and L2 #205

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
108-A1Lisa MooreFollow up with Agence de la Francophonie regarding their membership2007-01-18Done  
108-A10Mark DavisProvide text to the editorial committee for an erratum on the Sentence_Break property value of NBSP. 2007-01-22DoneErrata
108-A12Mark DavisIncorporate text reflecting the change re NBSP Sentence_Break property value in Consensus 108-C4 in a future proposed update for UAX #29.2007-01-21 DoneUAX #29
108-A21Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Editorial Committee Create an Internet Draft presenting an overall picture of how UTC sees IDN developing.2007-01-17ClosedInternet Draft, not done, overtaken
108-A27Mark DavisForward to Asmus Freytag information for inclusion in the character foldings draft UTR.2007-01-18 DoneUTR #30
108-A28Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeConsider L2/06-238 as source material for explanatory text on UAX #15. 2007-01-21DoneUAX #15
108-A30Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeAdd clarifying text regarding when characters are added or not added to the composition exclusions table.2007-01-21DoneUAX #15
108-A32Asmus FreytagUpdate the text of UAX #14 to reflect consensus 108-C12, add clarifying language for issues raised in document L2/06-224, and incorporate in the next proposed update. 2007-02-02DoneUAX #14
108-A34Lisa MooreAsk the officers to consider consensus 108-C13 to create casing stability policy, and communicate the result to WG2.2007-01-18Done 
108-A70Ken WhistlerUpdate names list annotations appropriately in a future version of the standard, to reflect consensus 108-C22 re omega with titlo.2006-12-05Done Names list

From UTC #107 and L2 #204

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
107-A1Mark Davis, Michel SuignardCreate a new internet draft to update Stringprep and Nameprep for Unicode 5.02007-01-15 Done 
107-A127Rick McGowanVerify and update Rejang properties as needed.2007-01-16Done 
107-A130Rick McGowanUpdate the Phaistos Disc properties to treat as symbols (gc=So), and submit document to UTC with updated properties.2007-01-16DoneL2/07-019

From UTC #105 and L2 #202

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
105-A12Ken Whistler, Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee Post the DUCET change management guidelines in an appropriate place on the website.2007-01-16Done 
105-A14Ken Whistler, Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee Remand L2/05-301 with changes suggested in the meeting and after editing by the Editorial Committee, post in an appropriate place on the website. 2007-01-16Done 

From UTC #102 and L2 #199

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
102-A83Asmus Freytag, Editorial CommitteeUpdate and post draft UTR #33. [Ready for final review.]2007-01-18 DoneUTR #33
102-A84Rick McGowanCreate a new PRI on UTR #33 to close May 9, 2006. [Date postponed from 8/9/2005.]2007-01-18 DonePRI #99