L2/09-197 Title: Line Break Property Adjustments Author: Ken Whistler Date: May 7, 2009 Action: For Consideration by the UTC In the process of developing the draft data files for the Unicode 5.2 beta of the UCD, I turned up a few small anomalies for existing Line_Break property assignments. I suggest that the UTC consider and correct these assignments for Unicode 5.2. 1. Javanese and Balinese "windu" characters. The "windu" characters are ring punctuation, occurring both in Balinese and in Javanese. The Amendment 6 documentation for Javanese suggests that this punctuation mark is not actually a particular break opportunity (lb=BA), and is often flanked by other symbols/punctuation marks. Accordingly, for Unicode 5.2 I have given it the default lb=AL value. The corresponding windu in Balinese apparently has much the same behavior. It was encoded in Unicode 5.0 and given lb=BA, based on less clear information. I suggest that the properties for the two characters be aligned better now by updating the Line_Break value for the Balinese windu: U+1B5C BALINESE WINDU: lb=BA-->lb=AL 2. North Indian currency signs The addition in Amendment 6 of the North Indian number forms and the Bengali ganda sign (a prefixed currency sign) have highlighted some problems of interpretation of Bengali signs that were encoded long ago, before all the analysis and examples of their usage became available. In particular, the Bengali rupee signs have been lb=PR, which is wrong. Rupee signs are *post*fixed currency signs. So I suggest the following changes: U+09F2 BENGALI RUPEE MARK: lb=PR-->lb=PO U+09F3 BENGALI RUPEE SIGN: lb=PR-->lb=PO The Bengali currency denominator is actually another of these postfixed currency signs, so it should also have its Line_Break property value updated: U+09F9 BENGALI CURRENCY DENOMINATOR SIXTEEN: lb=AL-->lb=PO