
Pre-Preliminary Minutes of the UTC 122 / L2 219 Joint Meeting
Mountain View, CA -- February 1-5, 2010
Hosted by Unicode

UTC #122 Agenda
Revision date: March 25, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Roll call
10 full members, 7 in regular attendance
5 institutional, 4 in regular att.
Quorum = 6.

7 members represented: Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, Sybase, UCB, Google, IBM

L2 opened at 10:50. Agenda approved.

Reviewed scheduled discussions.

A.5.2.1 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]

Oral review of open items.

PRI closing date before the next meeting is May 3, 2010.

A.6 Calendar review

Added meeting: Feb 7-11, 2011 at Yahoo. UTC #126 / L2 #223

Lunch 12:10 - 1:10

B.10.2 Issue 151: Review of Proposed Updated UAX #44: Unicode Character Database
B.10.2.1 Feedback
B. General feedback [L2/10-019]
B.10.2.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/10-033]

[122-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: In UAX #44, split section 5.1 and move table 8 towards the top of section 5. See L2/10-019.

[122-A2] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #151 to May 3, 2010.

B.10.3 Issue 152: Review of Proposed Updated UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms
B. General feedback [L2/10-019]
B.10.3.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/10-032]

[122-A3] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #152 to May 3, 2010.

B.10.3.1 2 Suggestions for restructuring UAX#15 for Unicode 6.0 [Whistler, L2/10-043]

[122-A4] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Proceed with restructuring of UAX #15 based on document L2/10-043 and feedback received in the meeting. Post before the next UTC meeting.

B.10.4 Issue 153: Proposal to Deprecate Five Character Properties Defined in UAX #44
B. General feedbck [L2/10-019]
B.10.4.2 Document for review

[122-C1] Consensus: Deprecate, but do not stabilize, 5 properties (FC_NFKC_Closure, Expands_On_NFC, Expands_On_NFD, Expands_On_NFKC, and Expands_On_NFKD) as per PRI #153 and L2/09-296 for Unicode 6.0. This consensus modifies and supercedes consensus 121-C23.

[122-A5] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add info to DerivedNormalizationProps.txt about the 5 deprecated properties (FC_NFKC_Closure, Expands_On_NFC, Expands_On_NFD, Expands_On_NFKC, and Expands_On_NFKD) in Consensus 122-C1 above for Unicode 6.0.

[122-A6] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add 5 deprecated properties (FC_NFKC_Closure, Expands_On_NFC, Expands_On_NFD, Expands_On_NFKC, and Expands_On_NFKD) to the list of deprecated properties in UAX #44 for Unicode 6.0.

[122-A7] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #153. The 5 properties (FC_NFKC_Closure, Expands_On_NFC, Expands_On_NFD, Expands_On_NFKC, and Expands_On_NFKD) will be deprecated in Unicode 6.0.

B.10.6.3 UTS 39 Source Data Files [Davis, L2/10-059]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.11.1.2 Suggestions for restructuring UTS#10 for Unicode 6.0 [Whistler, L2/10-044]

[122-A8] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Incorporate changes based on L2/10-044 as modified in discussion, into the proposed update of UTS #10.

B.12 Editorial Committee
B.12.1 Errata
B.12.2 Editorial Committee report [Whistler]
B.12.3 Unicode 6.0
B.12.4 Print on Demand

[122-A9] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Editorial Committee: Provide appropriate text for section 8.2 about Hamza on Heh Goal shaping class.

Demo of Forum software and POD discussion.

Brief break 3:55 - 4:05

B.10.5 Issue 154: Review of Proposed Update UTR #36: Unicode Security Considerations
B.10.5.1 Feedback
B. General feedback [L2/10-019]
B.10.5.2 Document for review [L2/10-022]

B.10.7 Other feedback [L2/10-019]

[122-A10] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Karl Williamson on feedback in public review document L2/10-019. (Thank him for feedback).

[122-A11] Action Item for John Jenkins: Fix UAX #38 based on feedback in "Other Reports" from Eugene Motoyama. L2/10-019.

[122-A12] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Leroy Vargas re his feedback on L2/10-019. (We know about KP charts and we are working on the issue, fonts, etc.)

[122-A13] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Forward Khmer comments from Shriramana Sharma to Javier Sola and request his input. Bring back to editorial committee.

[122-A14] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Follow up on feedback from Robert Muir in L2/10-019 re shift/rotate, in TUS section 5.17.

B.13.2 Normative status [Davis, L2/10-020]

Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Meeting adjourned at 5:45.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Meeting opened at 9:40.

8 members represented: Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, Sybase, UCB, Google, IBM.

B.10.1 Issue 150: Review of Draft UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatible Processing
B. General feedback [L2/10-019]
B. Concerns about the "szett" exception [Davis, L2/09-363]
B. Eszett again [Sanz, L2/09-413]
B. IDNA [Davis, L2/10-021]
B.10.1.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/10-024]

[122-A15] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to the two people who gave general feedback about PRI #150, UTS #46, in L2/10-019. ((To Andrew: will incorporate something into UTS #36. To Marwa: Tatweel is accommodated in UTS #39; thanks for editorial comments, ed group will be looking over those.))

On phone: Shawn Steele.

Long discussion of the document contents. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break.

Larry Masinter (Adobe) joined the group in the room.

B.5.3 IRI [Muller L2/10-058]

Discussion of issues with Larry Masinter. UTC took no action at this time.

Lunch 11:47 - 12:45

B.13.3 Towards Unicode metaproperty definition [Whistler, L2/10-052]

Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.13.4 Stability of source data

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.3.2 Member's submission #1 to IRG #34 [Vietnam NB, L2/10-034]
B.3.3 Member's submission #2 to IRG #34 [Vietnam NB, L2/10-035]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.9 Unicode Locales Project (CLDR)
B.9.1 Liaison report [Davis]

Oral report by Mark Davis.

Short break.

C.12 Proposal to encode nine Cyrillic characters for Slavonic (WG2 N3748) [SEI, Everson, et al, L2/10-002]

[122-C2] Consensus: Accept nine Cyrillic combining letters at A674-A67B and A69F, with properties as given in L2/10-002 for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A16] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include nine Cyrillic combining letters at A674-A67B and A69F, as given in L2/10-002 for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A17] Action Item for Michael Everson: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for nine Cyrillic combining letters at A674-A67B and A69F, as given in L2/10-002.

[122-A18] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add nine Cyrillic combining letters at A674-A67B and A69F, as given in L2/10-002, to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646.

C.17 Preliminary proposal for encoding the Bassa Vah script [SEI, Everson, L2/10-030]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.14 Preliminary proposal for encoding the Linear A script (WG2 N3755) [SEI, Everson, L2/10-004]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.22 Proposal to encode six punctuation characters (WG2 N3740) [Everson, L2/09-425]

[122-C3] Consensus: Accept 6 punctuation characters U+2E32, U+2E35 - U+2E39 with properties and names as given in L2/09-425.

[122-A19] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 6 punctuation characters U+2E32, U+2E35 - U+2E39 with names as given in L2/09-425.

[122-A20] Action Item for Michael Everson: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for 6 punctuation characters U+2E32, U+2E35 - U+2E39. See L2/09-425.

[122-A21] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 6 punctuation characters U+2E32, U+2E35 - U+2E39, with names as given in L2/09-425, to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646.

[122-A22] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add U+2E32, U+2E35, U+2E39 to list of confusables. Add to XID_Modifications as historic. See L2/09-425. This is for after Unicode 6.0.

C.13 Preliminary proposal for encoding the Palmyrene script (WG2 N3749) [SEI, Everson, L2/10-003]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.7 Towards a proposal for encoding Miao [Everson, L2/10-049]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.28 Proposal for encoding generic punctuation used with the Hungarian Runic script (WG2 N3664) [Everson & Szelp, L2/09-240, see also Hosszu L2/09-292]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.15 Preliminary proposal for encoding the Loma script (WG2 N3756) [SEI, Everson, L2/10-005]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.28 Proposal for encoding generic punctuation used with the Hungarian Runic script (WG2 N3664) [Everson & Szelp, L2/09-240, see also Hosszu L2/09-292]

[122-M1] Motion: Accept U+2E33 REVERSE COMMA and U+2E34 DOUBLE LOW REVERSED NINE QUOTATION MARK with properties as given in L2/09-240, for encoding in a future version of the standard.

For 3 (IBM, MS, Adobe)
Against 1 (Sybase)
Abstain 4 (Apple, Yahoo, Google, UCB)

Motion fails.

C.16 Preliminary proposal for encoding the Mende script (WG2 N3757) [SEI, Everson, L2/10-006]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.27 Duployan
C.27.1 Proposal to include Duployan shorthands and Chinook script [Anderson, L2/10-026]
C.27.2 Duployan charts [Anderson, L2/10-027]
C.27.3 Duployan documentation [Anderson, L2/10-028]

Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 6:10.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Meeting opened at 9:40.

8 members represented: Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, Sybase, UCB, Google, IBM.

B.13.1.1 Arabic Shaping UCD file [Allawi, L2/10-045]

Long discussion.

[122-A23] Action Item for Roozebeh Pournader, Editorial Committee: Review document L2/10-045 and make suggestions for editorial changes to the schematic names in ArabicShaping.txt.

[122-C4] Consensus: Change the joining group for U+06C3 to a new value "Teh Marbuta Goal" in ArabicShaping.txt for Unicode 6.0.

[122-A24] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update ArabicShaping.txt with new property for U+06C3 and address the comment in the header about Hamza on Heh Goal. See L2/10-045 and 122-C4 above.

[122-A25] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add the new alias "Teh Marbuta Goal" to PropertyValueAliases.txt for Unicode 6.0. See L2/10-045 and 122-C4 above.

[122-A26] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #42 with the new attribute value "Teh Marbuta Goal" for Unicode 6.0. See L2/10-045 and 122-C4 above.

[122-A27] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for proposed update UAX #42 to close May 3, 2010.

[122-A28] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update the documentation of the joining groups in section 8.2 Arabic, for Unicode 6.0. See L2/10-045 and 122-C4 above.

D.4 Arabic math alphabetic symbols [Lazrek, et. al., L2/10-055]

[122-C5] Consensus: Allocate in the SMP a row and a half for Arabic math symbols starting at U+1E800 and adjust allocations for Persian, Siyac Numerals into that general area.

[122-A29] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Michael Everson: Make the changes in the roadmap for the SMP for Arabic Math Symbols.

Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time on the proposal.

E.1.1 Grantha Summary Report [Anderson, L2/10-053]

[122-C6] Consensus: The UTC supports the recommendations in section "V" of document L2/10-053 and encourages the participants in the Granta discussion to continue developing a Grantha encoding proposal on the basis of these recommendations.

[122-A30] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Deborah Anderson: Produce a code chart and nameslist that reflects the 75 characters recommended by recommendations 1-5 of section "V" in document L2/10-053.

[122-A31] Action Item for Eric Muller: Initiate discussion on the Indic list of those focussed suggestions re Grantha that require further investigation. See document L2/10-053.

Lunch 12:50 - 1:50.

B.13.5 Character properties for Brahmi-based scripts [Whistler, L2/10-056, L2/10-057]

[122-C7] Consensus: Issue a PRI regarding the addition of two provisional properties, Indic_Syllabic_Category and Matra_Placement, as documented in L2/10-057, to close May 3, 2010.

[122-A32] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare the background doc for the PRI regarding the addition of two provisional properties, Indic_Syllabic_Category and Matra_Placement, as documented in L2/10-057.

[122-A33] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on two provisional properties, Indic_Syllabic_Category and Matra_Placement, as documented in L2/10-057, to close May 3, 2010.

[122-A34] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare a table documenting Dandas in the text of the standard for version 6.0.

[122-A35] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Remind John Jenkins and Richard Cook that if they want any additional provisional properties (any new tags) in Unihan.txt, they must propose to the UTC first. ((I.e., we decided at last meeting on a PRI process for new properties.)) CC ed committee. May meeting would be the last time for 6.0, schedule-wise.

B.13.1.2 A proposal for HTML improvements for bidi [Lanin, L2/09-411]

[122-C8] Consensus: Authorize proposed updates for the remaining UAXes for version 6.0.

[122-A36] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Open PRIs and updates for all the UAXes for 6.0 (which are not already open). (Include appropriate boilerplate fixes, etc, as usual. Ken will help for his UAXes.)

[122-A37] Action Item for Mark Davis, Roozbeh Pournader, Editorial Committee: Add informative text to UAX #9 on alternative ways of detecting paragraph detection. See L2/10-065 and L2/09-411.

[122-A38] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Review section TUS 5.8 Newline Guidelines when UTR #20 is updated.

[122-A39] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Craig Cummings: Send a notification to Unicore to the effect that "There is an ongoing effort in the W3C to provide better support for bidi languages in HTML. We would encourage people who are interested in bidi languages to engage in this activity. [Get URL / Info from Craig; and document, run by the edcom before sending.]

D.1.1 Emoji symbols: background data [Scherer, L2/10-009]

Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.1.3 Proposal to encode an emoticon Neutral Face [Pentzlin, L2/10-036]

[122-C9] Consensus: Accept U+1F62A Neutral Face for encoding in Unicode version 6.0.

[122-A40] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+1F62A Neutral Face for encoding in Unicode version 6.0. See L2/10-036.

[122-A41] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+1F62A Neutral Face to ballot comments on Amendment 8 of 10646. See L2/10-036.

D.1.4 Emoji: Review of FPDAM8 [Scherer, L2/10-061]

Long discussion.

[122-A42] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Make ballot comments on Amd 8 based on document L2/10-061R.

D.5 Proposal to encode an Armenian Dram currency symbol. [Pentzlin, L2/10-008]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.24 Proposal to encode two dashes [Pentzlin, L2/10-037]

[122-C10] Consensus: Accept U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH and U+2E3B THREE-EM DASH for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH and U+2E3B THREE-EM DASH. See L2/10-037.

[122-A44] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH and U+2E3B THREE-EM DASH to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646.

[122-A45] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Karl Pentzlin re L2/10-036 and L2/10-037 acceptance.

D.3 Proposal to rename the diagonal symbols U+27CB and U+27CD in the pipeline [Iancu, et al, L2/10-010]


[122-A46] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect changing the name of U+27CB from RISING DIAGONAL to MATHEMATICAL RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD from FALLING DIAGONAL to MATHEMATICAL FALLING DIAGONAL.

Adjourned for the day at 5:30.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Meeting opened at 9:47.

8 members represented: Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, Sybase, UCB, Google, IBM.

B.10.1.2 IDNA Document for review [Davis, L2/10-024]

[122-C12] Consensus: Approve the working draft of draft UTS #46 (L2/10-024) as an approved UTS, as modified during discussion.

[122-A47] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Do final editorial review, verify data, and issue UTS #46 as a final document, after issuance of the RFC numbers of IDNA2008.

[122-A48] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close the PRI for UTS #46, with status that UTS #46 will be modified according to feedback and published as an approved UTS.

[122-A49] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Prepare the document UTS #46 and associated data for publication and post the final when ready.

[122-C13] Consensus: Advance proposed update UTR #36 as amended in discussion to approved UTR #36. See L2/10-022.

[122-A50] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Editorial Committee: Make final updates to UTR #36 and post the approved document.

[122-A51] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #154. The draft is advanced to approved.

[122-A52] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Move the noted section from UTR #36 into the security FAQ and add additional information to point to, from section 6 of UTS #39.

[122-A53] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Prepare the document UTR #36 for publication and post the final when ready. (After Mark has completed his edits.)

[122-C14] Consensus: Advance proposed update UTS #39 as amended in discussion to approved UTS #39. See L2/10-023.

[122-A54] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Editorial Committee: Make changes to UTS #39 as per discussion.

[122-A55] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #155. Draft is advanced to final.

[122-A56] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Prepare the document UTS #39 and associated data for publication and post the final when ready. (After Mark has completed his edits.)

D.5 Proposal to encode an Armenian Dram currency symbol. [Pentzlin, L2/10-008]

[122-C15] Consensus: Accept U+058F ARMENIAN DRAM SIGN for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A57] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+058F ARMENIAN DRAM SIGN. See L2/10-008.

[122-A58] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+058F ARMENIAN DRAM SIGN to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646. See L2/10-008.

[122-A59] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Pentzlin with disposition of his document L2/10-008 (accepted for encoding in a future version of the standard).

Lunch 11:35 - 12:35

C.6 Proposal to Encode the Typikon Symbols in Unicode [Shardt, Andreev, L2/09-310]

[122-C16] Consensus: Accept the four typikon symbols:
U+A698 Typikon Symbol Great Feast
U+A699 Typikon Symbol Vigil Service
U+A69A Typikon Symbol Polyeleos
U+A69B Typikon Symbol Lower Rank
for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A60] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include four typikon symbols as documented in L2/09-310 at codepoints as documented in consensus 122-C16 above.

[122-A61] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add four typikon symbols as documented in L2/09-310 at codepoints as documented in consensus 122-C16 above to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646.

[122-A62] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Follow up with the authors L2/09-310 to get a font and request a change to the glyph for Typikon Symbol Polyeleos, and forward the (revised) proposal to WG2.

C.9 Proposal to Encode the Takri Script (WG2 N3758) [Pandey, L2/09-424]

[122-C17] Consensus: Approve the 66 characters of the Takri script at U+11680 - U+116C9 with block Takri U+11680 - U+116CF, with character properties as documented in L2/09-424, for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A63] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include Takri script as documented in L2/09-424 and 122-C17 above.

[122-A64] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to Takri script to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646.

[122-A65] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Work with the author of L2/09-424 to forward it to WG2.

B.7.1 Liaison report [Anderson, L2/10-054]

Oral report by Deborah Anderson. UTC took no action at this time.

Added new agenda item: B.1.6, review of document requesting additions to 10646.

B. FCD 10646 [Suignard, L2/10-038]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B. Unicode Vote on FDAM 7

[122-C18] Consensus: Unicode votes "YES" on FDAM 7.

B. L2/10-066 Comments on FPDAM 8.

[122-C19] Consensus: Unicode votes "NO", with comments as in L2/10-066, on FPDAM 8.

B. Vote on FCD 10646 [Suignard, L2/10-038]

[122-C20] Consensus: Unicode votes "YES", with comments as in L2/10-067, on FCD 10646.

C.19 Proposal to Encode an Abbreviation Sign for Gujarati Anshuman [Pandey, L2/09-330]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.2.2.2 ISO-IEC 14651 PDAM 2.1 [SC2, L2/10-039]

[122-C21] Consensus: UTC votes "YES", with comments as in L2/10-069, on the PDAM2 of 14651.

B.1.6 Review of document requesting new additions [L2/10-068]

[122-C22] Consensus: UTC supports submitting document L2/10-068 with new proposed characters to WG2.

C.18 Proposal to deprecate Devanagari short letter [Pandey, L2/09-321]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

[122-A66] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to author of L2/09-321 to say that this character does not meet the requirements for deprecation and the committee does not consider it sufficiently harmful to add an annotation that its use be discouraged. Cite UAX #44, section 5.10 Deprecation, paragraph 3.

C.25 Hentaigana [Werven, L2/09-099, L2/09-200]

[122-A67] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Give feedback from UTC to author of L2/09-099 about the UTC discussion.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 5:20.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Meeting opened at 9:45.

8 members represented: Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, Sybase, UCB, Google, IBM.

[122-C23] Consensus: The UTC endorses the principle about encoding North Indic abbreviation signs documented in L2/10-083.

[122-C24] Consensus: Change the script of U+0970 DEVANAGARI ABBREVIATION SIGN to Devanagari for Unicode 6.0.

[122-A68] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update the script property of U+0970 to Devanagari in a future version of the standard.

[122-A69] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Provide appropriate annotations for U+0970 in the standard and the nameslist for Unicode 6.0.

C.19 Proposal to encode an abbreviation sign for Gujarati [Pandey, L2/09-330]

[122-C25] Consensus: Accept U+0AF0 GUJARATI ABBREVIATION SIGN with script property Gujarati, for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A70] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+0AF0 GUJARATI ABBREVIATION SIGN, for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[122-A71] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+0AF0 GUJARATI ABBREVIATION SIGN, to WG2 document proposing new additions to 10646.

[122-A72] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward document L2/09-330 to WG2.

C.20 Proposal to deprecate GUJARATI RUPEE SIGN [Pandey, L2/09-331]

[122-A73] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add an annotation to U+0AF1 indicating the preferred spelling for the Rupee sign, in a future version of the standard. See 122-C25 above.

[122-A74] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add confusability mappings for characters that are, or contain, Indic abbreviation signs (Devanagari, Kaithi), in (the current version of) UTS #39.

[122-A75] Action Item for Mark Davis: After Unicode 6.0, add confusability mappings for characters that are, or contain, newly encoded Indic abbreviation signs, in UTS #39.

[122-A76] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler: Analyze documents on Vedic under C.3 and Indic annotations under C.23, and make recommendations for the next UTC meeting.

UTC meeting adjourned at 10:26. L2 continued. L2 adjourned at 11:18.

UTC Attendance

Person Representing E-mail Address
Deborah Anderson U C Berkeley dwanders@sonic.net
Van Anderson self vanisaac@boil.afraid.org
Peter Constable Microsoft petercon@microsoft.com
Craig Cummings Yahoo! crc@yahoo-inc.com
Mark Davis Google mark.davis@google.com
Peter Edberg Apple pedberg@apple.com
Yasuo Kida Apple kida@apple.com
Mike Ksar WG2 mikeksar@10646.com
Chris Little LSA chrislit@berkeley.edu
Rick McGowan Unicode rick@unicode.org
Larry Masinter Adobe masinter@adobe.com
Katsuhiko Momoi Google katmomoi@gmail.com
Lisa Moore IBM lisam@us.ibm.com
Eric Muller Adobe emuller@adobe.com
Roozbeh Pournader Gnome roozbeh@htpassport.com
Murray Sargent Microsoft murrays@microsoft.com
Markus Scherer Google markus.icu@gmail.com
Michel Suignard Unicode michel@suignard.com
Tex Texin Xencraft tex.texin@xencraft.com
Erik van der Poel Google erikv@google.com
Ken Whistler Sybase kenw@sybase.com
By Phone
Adil Allawi self  
Michael Everson Evertype everson@evertype.com
N. Ganesan self  
Laurentiu Iancu Microsoft liancu@microsoft.com
Shawn Steele Microsoft  

Members Represented

Full Member






1. Adobe Systems, Inc.






2. Apple Computer, Inc.






3. Denic e.G.






4. Google, Inc.






5. IBM Corporation






6. Microsoft Corporation






7. Oracle Corporation












9. Sybase, Inc.






10. Yahoo!












Institutional Member

1. India, MIT






2. Tamil Nadu & TVU






3. W Bengal SNLTR






4. UCB


















Supporting Member

1. Monotype Imaging Corp