L2/11-172 Ballot SC 35 N 1656 NP Principal Voice Commands part 4 JTC 1/ SC 35 N 1656 NP Information technology - User interfaces - Principal voice commands - Part 4: Management of spoken command registration ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 NWIP (New Work Item Proposal (ISO/IEC JTC1)) Date 2011-03-28 1 Do you accept the proposal in the attached NWI Proposal document as a sufficient definition of the new work item? Yes No * Abstain 2 Do you support the addition of the new work item to the programme of work of the joint technical committee? Yes No Abstain 3 Do you commit yourself to participate in the development of this new work item? Yes No Abstain 4 Are you able to offer a project editor who will dedicate his/her efforts to the advancement and maintenance of this project? Yes * No Abstain 5 Do you have a major contribution or a reference document ready for submittal? Yes No Abstain 6 Will you have such a contribution in ninety days? Yes No Abstain 7 Which standard development track is proposed? Default Timeframe Accelerated Timeframe Extended Timeframe (*) A Comment is required for this answer value.