L2/11-451 Title: Deprecate the Unicode_1_Name property Author: Markus Scherer Date: 2011-dec-15 I would like to propose that the UTC deprecate [1] the Unicode_1_Name (na1) character property, the "Old name as published in Unicode 1.0" [2]. I believe that, while the Unicode_1_Name data preserves historical information, it is of no practical use. The one area where Unicode_1_Name was useful was for control characters for which it has the "ISO 6429 names for control functions, for printing in the code charts" [2]. Those control character names sometimes include multiple alternate names (e.g., U+000C -> "FORM FEED (FF)") which reduces their practical usefulness, and Unicode 6.1 adds those alternate names as separate Name_Alias values. In addition, I suggest removing the Unicode_1_Name data from UnicodeData.txt and stabilizing [3] Unicode_1_Name, like was done for the ISO_Comment property [4]. Sincerely, markus [1] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Deprecated_Properties [2] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Unicode_1_Name [3] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Stabilized_Properties [4] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#ISO_Comment