L2/12-134 Title: WG2 Consent Docket Source: Ken Whistler Date: April 25, 2012 Action: For review by UTC The WG2 Meeting #59 was held February 13 - 17, 2012 in Mountain View. During that meeting a number of decisions were taken approving new repertoire for 10646, in addition to various other changes that were the result of disposition of comments for PDAM 1.2. For the resolutions from WG2 Meeting #59, see L2/12-098. This document summarizes changes in repertoire, character names, code points, or other changes which require some UTC action to bring the accepted repertoire back into synch. ================================================================= Changes Related to Amendment 1 Amendment 1 goes to DAM ballot. At this point it is advisable to minimize technical differences, so we can make a minimum of technical comments on DAM 1, in an effort to keep that amendment stable. We don't want to set new precedents here for national bodies to request extensive changes in the DAM ballots for 10646. The repertoire for DAM 1 can be seen in the charts published by the editor in WG2 N4244, Draft Repertoire for DAM1. (= L2/12-128) The main thing that we need to reconcile is the repertoire approvals related to wingdings. We knew, going in, that there would be a major revision of the wingdings in Amendment 1 at WG2 Meeting #59, and had indicated our willingness to let the editor do what it took to get the repertoire and its ordering settled in WG2. A. Adjustment of Repertoire Related to Wingdings I will just summarize the required changes for all of the blocks involved in this repertoire. It would be too error-prone (and tedious) to try to replicate all the changes character-by-character into this document. Instead, these suggested actions to resynchronize will simply refer to the charts in WG2 N4244 which were used as the basis for preparing the DAM 1 text and charts. I recommend that the UTC make the following approvals: A1. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows block (U+2B00..U+2BFF, p. 52 of 134 in the pdf). This is a total of 124 new characters. Note that this would include approval of the compromise names chosen for the Lithuanian dialectology tone marking arrows in the ranges 2B4E..2B4F, 2B5A..2B5D, using "SLANTED" or "BACKSLANTED" in place of "NORTH EAST" or "SOUTH EAST" in the names. A2. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block (U+1F300..1F5FF, pp. 109-111 of 134 in the pdf). This is a total of 133 new characters. Note that this also implies acceptance of glyph changes for the following already published characters: U+1F3C6, U+1F3CA, U+1F4D6, U+1F4EA..U+1F4ED, U+1F507..U+1F50A, as shown in the chart. A3. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Ornamental Dingbats block (U+1F650..U+1F67F, p. 124 of 134 in the pdf). This is a total of 48 new characters. Note that the block name changed to "Ornamental Dingbats" from what the UTC approved before: "Ornament Symbols". A4. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Transport and Map Symbols block (U+1F680..U+1F6FF, p. 126 of 134 in the pdf). This is a total of 6 new characters. A5. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Geometric Shapes Extended block (U+1F780..U+1F7FF, p. 128 of 134 in the pdf). This is a total of 85 new characters. A6. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Supplemental Arrows-C block (U+1F800..U+1F8FF, p. 131 of 134 in the pdf). This is a total of 148 new characters. Note that there are additional glyph changes related to arrows in WG2 N4244 in other blocks: U+21E6..U+21F0, U+21F3, and U+2B00..U+2B0D. Those changes have, I believe, been discussed by the UTC already, and were seen -- at least in principle -- in earlier documents. B. Addition of Two Combining Half Macron Marks WG2 agreed to the addition of two combining half macron marks below, parallel to the existing encoding of combining half macron marks above. This also resulted in the move of one character the UTC had approved before: U+FE2B COMBINING CONJOINING MACRON BELOW --> U+FE2B COMBINING MACRON LEFT HALF BELOW U+FE2C COMBINING MACRON RIGHT HALF BELOW U+FE2D COMBINING CONJOINING MACRON BELOW I recommend that the UTC accept the additional two characters and the change in code point. ================================================================= Changes Related to PDAM 2 Amendment 2 is out for a PDAM ballot, so there is more leeway here to disagree with the WG2 decisions about the repertoire, where that seems advisable. The repertoire for PDAM 2 can be seen in the charts published by the editor in WG2 N4245, Draft Repertoire for PDAM2. (= L2/12-129) C. Webdings Many of the Webdings which had been under discussion were added to Amendment 2. The UTC had held off on approving these, and was simply waiting to see what ended up in the amendment. I recommend that the UTC now approve these repertoire additions, to get back into synch: C1. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block (U+1F300..1F5FF, pp. 45-47 of 52 in the pdf). This is a total of 82 new characters (in the range 1F396..1F5F3). C2. Approve the new code points, names, and glyphs in the Transport and Map Symbols block (U+1F680..U+1F6FF, p. 51 of 52 in the pdf). This is a total of 16 new characters (in the range 1F6CB..1F6E2). D. Caucasian Albanian WG2 approved the encoding of Caucasian Albanian. The UTC had reviewed the proposal, but did not approve it yet. I recommend that the UTC now approve the encoding of the script, based on the PDAM 2 repertoire: Approve a new Caucasian Albanian block (U+10530..1056F) and the encoding of the repertoire for the Caucasian Albanian script, with code points, names, and glyphs as shown on p. 22 of 52 of the pdf. This is a total of 59 new characters. E. Pahawh Hmong WG2 approved the encoding of Pahawh Hmong. The UTC had reviewed the proposal, but did not approve it yet. WG2 approved the entire repertoire, including the logographs for clan names which the UTC had queried. I recommend that the UTC now approve the encoding of the script -- less the clan logographs -- based on the PDAM2 repertoire: Approve a new Pahawh Hmong block (U+16B00..U+16B8F) and the encoding of the repertoire for the Pahawh Hmong script, with code points, names, and glyphs as shown in the range U+16B00..U+16B77 on p. 34 of 52 of the pdf. (This excludes the 18 logographs for clan names shown in the range U+16B7E..U+16B8F.) This is a total of 108 new characters. F. Miscellaneous Characters There are four other characters for which the PDAM 2 repertoire and the UTC approval status are not in synch. I list these four below. 2B74 LEFT RIGHT TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW TO BAR 2B75 UP DOWN TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW TO BAR Those two characters are new to the UTC. They were originally proposed for inclusion in the DAM 1 repertoire, but were somewhat controversial, so were pulled for inclusion in the PDAM 2 repertoire instead, so they could receive more review. I recommend that the UTC discuss them and decide what to do. A78F LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT 1032F OLD ITALIC LETTER TTE For those two, we already have UTC positions on record, differing from the repertoire in PDAM 2. The UTC has asked (on several occasions) for the LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT to be removed, but it is now under ballot again in PDAM 2. The opposite situation attains for OLD ITALIC LETTER TTE. The UTC has asked that it be added, but the Irish national body opposed it, so it didn't end up in PDAM 2. For both of these I recommend that the UTC once again discuss them and decide what to do.