
Re: Clarify UTS #39 Security Mechanisms

From: Mark Davis, Andy Heninger

Date: Jan 29, 2013

There are some small changes that should be made to #39:


1. There are a few crucial definitions for single/mixed/whole-script confusables. We need a tweak to the first definition, and all of the definitions need to be highlighted.



X and Y are single-script confusables if they are confusable according to the Single-Script table, and each of them is a single script string according to Section 5, Mixed-Script Detection. Examples: "so̷s" and "søs" in Latin, where the first word has the character "o" followed by the character U+0337 (  ̷ ) COMBINING SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY.


X and Y are single-script confusables if they are confusable according to the Single-Script table, and each of them is a single script string according to Section 5, Mixed-Script Detection, and it is the same script. Examples: "so̷s" and "søs" in Latin, where the first word has the character "o" followed by the character U+0337 (  ̷ ) COMBINING SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY.


2. We need to add text to make it clear that Common and Inherited are ignored when computed Restriction Levels. (The algorithm references http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/#Mixed_Script_Detection which does this, but it should be clear from the text also.)


All characters in each identifier must be from a single script, or from the combinations:


All characters in each identifier must be from a single script (excluding Common and Inherited), or from the combinations:

3. We should also add another Restriction Level between ASCII and Highly Restrictive, since people have found that to be useful also.


Single Script

  1. All characters in each identifier must be from a single script  (excluding Common and Inherited).