L2/18-196 Date: June 6, 2018 Source: Ken Whistler Subject: Response to L2/18-195,'Request to explain why certain sets of accepted characters have not advanced their ISO stage' 1. The answer for the first question about hiragana and katakana small ko is: At first, the proposals did not advance because Japan objected. But then read L2/16-334, L2/16-354, L2/16-358, and L2/17-091 in that order. The UTC and WG2 are currently waiting for Japan to provide a more comprehensive proposal for encoding the remaining small kana, including the small ko's. 2. The answer for the second question about Song counting rods is: It would help to read section 9.3.18 of the WG2 meeting minutes from Hohhot: https://unicode.org/wg2/docs/n4953-M66-Minutes.pdf Unless somebody endeavors to answer the questions raised there and to engage with the Chinese NB about what is recorded there, the proposal will simply languish.