
Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2021-10-04)

Auto generated on: January 21, 2022 at 17:55:07

From UTC #169

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
169-A5Rick McGowanRespond to Mickey Rose feedback of [Thu Sep 9 06:59:02 CDT 2021], pointing to PRI #427. See L2/21-170 item F3 for details.2021-11-01 Done 
169-A6Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms GroupIn DerivedBidiClass.txt, change the default Bidi_Class value for 10EC0..10EFF from R to AL, for Unicode version 15.0. (duplicate of 169-A008)2021-11-05 ClosedUCD
169-A7Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include moving 3 Arabic characters. See above consensus 169-C2.2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A8Markus Scherer, Properties & Algorithms GroupIn DerivedBidiClass.txt, change the default Bidi_Class value for 10EC0..10EFF from R to AL, for Unicode version 15.0.2021-12-09 DoneUCD
169-A9Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline with the correct end of block.2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A10Rick McGowan, Editorial CommitteeIssue a glyph erratum for U+10C47, based on L2/21-153.2021-11-17 Done 
169-A11Deborah AndersonAsk Michael Everson for a font for U+10C47.2021-11-08 Done 
169-A12Ned Holbrook, Editorial CommitteePrepare the emoji charts for any new emoji approved for 15.0 and associated PRI text for a public alpha review for that repertoire.2021-11-17 DoneEmoji charts
169-A13Rick McGowanPost the PRI for the Alpha review of emoji additions for Unicode 15.0, to close April 10, 2022.2021-11-17 DonePRI #435
169-A15Rick McGowanRespond to Angus Patrick feedback [Web Sep 15 08:12:31 in L2/21-169].2021-11-01 Done 
169-A17Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include six new letters as documented in L2/21-156. (targeted for 15.0)2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A18Deborah Anderson, Kirk MillerProvide a font to Michel Suignard for printing the 6 new letters.2021-11-08 Done 
169-A19Ken LundeConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Mon Aug 2 17:35:50 CDT 2021]2021-10-19 Done 
169-A21Ken LundeConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Thu Sep 23 15:18:26 CDT 2021]2021-10-19 Done 
169-A22Ken LundeConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Thu Sep 23 23:54:38 CDT 2021]2021-10-19 Done 
169-A23Ken LundeConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Fri Sep 24 00:26:38 CDT 2021]2021-10-19 Done 
169-A24John Jenkins, Editorial CommitteeProduce a proposed update of UAX #38 for Unicode 15.0 to document the additional sources for Unihan database values, based on document L2/21-150 and Unihan-UTC169-R06 in document L2/21-173.2022-01-05 DoneUAX #38
169-A25Rick McGowanPost PRI for UAX #38 for Unicode 15.0, to close 2022-01-10.2022-01-05 DonePRI #437
169-A27Ken LundeConvey to the document author of L2/21-152 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.2021-10-19 Done 
169-A29Ken LundeConvey to the document author of L2/21-149 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.2021-10-19 Done 
169-A33Ken LundeConvey to the document author of L2/21/178 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.2021-10-19 Done 
169-A36Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include CJK Extension H.2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A40Ken LundeConvey to the document author of L2/21-164 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.2021-10-19 Done 
169-A41Ken LundeConvey to the document author of L2/21-164 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.2021-10-19 Done 
169-A42Peter ConstableNotify the WG2 mail list of the emoji repertoire additions.2022-01-05 Done 
169-A43Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include emoji repertoire candidates.2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A44Ned Holbrook, Editorial CommitteePrepare a PRI for emoji repertoire additions, with the provisional emoji charts. (duplicate of 169-A012)2021-11-17 Closed 
169-A45Rick McGowanPost the PRI for emoji repertoire additions. (duplicate of 169-A013)2021-11-17 ClosedPRI #435
169-A46Ken WhistlerUpdate the Pipeline, noting the character removal and name change for Kawi (Reference: Section 12 of L2/21-174).2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A47Ken Whistler, Editorial CommitteeAdd an informative name alias "= gemination mark" to 1BBA SUNDANESE AVAGRAHA, add the annotations "used in a 21st century document" and "for actual final m, use 1B99 1BAA" to U+1BBF SUNDANESE LETTER FINAL M.2021-10-15 DoneNames list
169-A49Michel SuignardChange the representative glyph for U+1BBF SUNDANESE LETTER FINAL M as shown on page 2 of L2/21-221 to reflect the one used in "Direktori Aksara Sunda untuk Unicode" for Unicode Version 15.2021-11-01 DoneCode charts
169-A50Rick McGowan, Editorial CommitteeIssue a glyph erratum for U+18CCA based on document L2/21-182.2021-11-17 Done 
169-A51Ken Whistler, Editorial CommitteeAdd a cross-reference between U+18CCA and U+18BDE.2021-10-15 DoneNames list
169-A52Deborah AndersonObtain a font from Eiso Chan for U+18CCA KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT CHARACTER-18CCA.2021-11-08 Done 
169-A53Ken WhistlerUpdate the Pipeline to remove 5 characters as in above consensus. (Reference: Section 17 of L2/21-174)2021-10-14 DonePipeline
169-A54Rick McGowanPlant more unicorn seeds in the south 40.2021-11-17 Closed 
169-A55Deborah AndersonRespond to submitter of the feedback dated [Mon Aug 2 10:58:51 CDT 2021] in L2/21-169 (Reference: Section IX of L2/21-174)2021-11-08 Done 

From UTC #168

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
168-A6Markus Scherer, Mark Davis, Asmus Freytag, Editorial CommitteePrepare a proposed update of UAX #44 that data files may contain multiple @missing lines for Unicode version 15.0. See document L2/21-126 item D2.2022-01-05 DoneUAX #44
168-A17Ken Whistler, Asmus FreytagCreate a proposal for additional UTS #46 derived data files showing IDNA2008 category values for easy comparisons with those published by the IETF, for Unicode version 15.0. See L2/21-126 item PRI429c.2021-12-01 DoneL2/21-227
168-A25Ken Whistler, Editorial CommitteeClarify terminology related to properties of strings in UAX #44, following UTR #23 where feasible. For Unicode version 15.0. [Ref. Peter Constable Mon Jul 12 17:38:53 CDT 2021 cited in L2/21-127.]2022-01-05 DoneUAX #44
168-A77Deborah AndersonConfirm the Roadmap reflects the new Cyrillic Extended-D block (U+1E030..U+1E08F). This will require Chola and Chalukya be moved. (Reference L2/21-107 and Section 1a of L2/21-130)2021-11-08 DoneRoadmap
168-A82Ken Whistler, Rick McGowan, Editorial CommitteePrepare an erratum for U+1628, U+163B and U+18DB, which show significant character orientation changes from the current glyphs, for posting when the glyph changes are published. (Reference L2/21-141 and Section 4 of L2/21-130)2021-11-17 Done 
168-A89Deborah Anderson, V.S. UmamaheswaranConfirm changes are made to the Roadmap (extend the Devanagari Extended-A block to end at U+11B5F, and move Sharada Extensions over one column, from U+11B50..U+11B6F to U+11B60..U+11B7F). (Reference Section 7b of L2/21-130)2021-11-08 DoneRoadmap
168-A98Deborah Anderson, V.S. UmamaheswaranConfirm changes are made to the Roadmap (remove “Khambu Rai” U+11BC0..U+11BFF and move Nag Mundari to that location). (Reference Section 11 of L2/21-130)2021-11-08 DoneRoadmap
168-A104Norbert LindenbergInvite Indonesian script experts to review the Surat Ulu proposal (Reference Section 17 of L2/21-130 and L2/21-116).2021-10-08 Done 
168-A111John JenkinsAdd nine new records to USourceData.txt and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/21-101 and Unihan-UTC168-R20 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-01-05 DoneUAX #45

From UTC #167

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
167-A44Lorna Evans, Roozbeh Pournader, Debbie AndersonReview the text in Chapter 9, “Arabic”, subsection “Quranic Texts” and see if the wording can be improved.2021-10-13 DoneUnicode text
167-A57Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeExplicitly document in UTS #18 section 2.7 which properties are properties of characters and which are properties of strings. For completion before Unicode version 14.0.2022-01-18 DoneUTS #18
167-A64Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteePrepare revised version of Proposed Update UTS #18, as per L2/21-094.2022-01-18 DoneUTS #18

From UTC #166

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
166-A56Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteePrepare a proposed update UTS #18 (section 2.7 Full Properties) to modify the table to add a. RGI_Emoji_Flag_Sequence* and b. Emoji_Keycap_Sequence*2022-01-18 DoneUTS #18