8859 to Unicode mapping tables. December 2, 2015 These tables are considered to be authoritative mappings between the Unicode Standard and different parts of the ISO/IEC 8859 standard. Mappings between these standards are done on the basis of the character names and UCS identifications published in each part of ISO/IEC 8859, in the revised editions of each part of the standard. In cases where prior mappings to ISO/IEC 8859 differed in some substantial way from the most recent mapping, or where characters have been added to a part of ISO/IEC 8859, earlier versions are archived in the DatedVersions directory, with the relevant year of the published part of ISO/IEC 8859 as part of the mapping table filename, to indicate which edition the mapping was intended for. The archived mappings tables can be used to verify mappings which may have been implemented in earlier versions of software. Note that some of the older tables internally refer to an out-of-date mechanism for reporting errors, using an "errata" email address that is no longer in service. Any errors should instead be reported using the Unicode Consortium's reporting form: