Arabic Extended-A

Arabic letters for African languages

08A0 ‎ࢠ‎ Arabic Letter Beh With Small V Below
08A1 ‎ࢡ‎ Arabic Letter Beh With Hamza Above
  Adamawa Fulfulde (Cameroon)
  used for the implosive bilabial stop
  0253 ɓ latin small letter b with hook
08A2 ‎ࢢ‎ Arabic Letter Jeem With Two Dots Above
08A3 ‎ࢣ‎ Arabic Letter Tah With Two Dots Above
08A4 ‎ࢤ‎ Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above
08A5 ‎ࢥ‎ Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Below
08A6 ‎ࢦ‎ Arabic Letter Lam With Double Bar
08A7 ‎ࢧ‎ Arabic Letter Meem With Three Dots Above
08A8 ‎ࢨ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Two Dots Below And Hamza Above
  Adamawa Fulfulde
  used for the implosive palatal approximant, realized as pharyngealization of the approximant
  01B4 ƴ latin small letter y with hook
08A9 ‎ࢩ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above
  Adamawa Fulfulde
  used for the voiced palatal nasal
  0272 ɲ latin small letter n with left hook

Dependent consonants for Rohingya

08AA ‎ࢪ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Loop
08AB ‎ࢫ‎ Arabic Letter Waw With Dot Within
08AC ‎ࢬ‎ Arabic Letter Rohingya Yeh

Arabic letters for European and Central Asian languages

08AD ‎ࢭ‎ Arabic Letter Low Alef
  Bashkir, Tatar
08AE ‎ࢮ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Three Dots Below
  Pegon alternative for 068A ‎ڊ‎
08AF ‎ࢯ‎ Arabic Letter Sad With Three Dots Below
08B0 ‎ࢰ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf With Inverted Stroke
  Crimean Tatar, Chechen, Lak
08B1 ‎ࢱ‎ Arabic Letter Straight Waw

Arabic letter for Berber

08B2 ‎ࢲ‎ Arabic Letter Zain With Inverted V Above

Arabic letters for Arwi

08B3 ‎ࢳ‎ Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Below
08B4 ‎ࢴ‎ Arabic Letter Kaf With Dot Below
  also used in Pegon
  06AE ‎ڮ‎ arabic letter kaf with three dots below

Early Arabic letter

08B5 ‎ࢵ‎ Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Below And No Dots Above

Arabic letters for Bravanese

08B6 ‎ࢶ‎ Arabic Letter Beh With Small Meem Above
08B7 ‎ࢷ‎ Arabic Letter Peh With Small Meem Above
08B8 ‎ࢸ‎ Arabic Letter Teh With Small Teh Above
08B9 ‎ࢹ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Small Noon Above
08BA ‎ࢺ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Two Dots Below And Small Noon Above

Arabic letters for Warsh orthography

The Warsh orthography is the most widespread tradition for the Arabic script in North and West Africa.
08BB ‎ࢻ‎ Arabic Letter African Feh
  initial and medial forms have one dot below
  06A1 ‎ڡ‎ arabic letter dotless feh
  06A2 ‎ڢ‎ arabic letter feh with dot moved below
08BC ‎ࢼ‎ Arabic Letter African Qaf
  initial and medial forms have one dot above
  066F ‎ٯ‎ arabic letter dotless qaf
  06A7 ‎ڧ‎ arabic letter qaf with dot above
  08C4 ‎ࣄ‎ arabic letter african qaf with three dots above
08BD ‎ࢽ‎ Arabic Letter African Noon
  initial and medial forms have one dot above
  06BA ‎ں‎ arabic letter noon ghunna
  0646 ‎ن‎ arabic letter noon

Arabic letters for Hindko

08BE ‎ࢾ‎ Arabic Letter Peh With Small V
08BF ‎ࢿ‎ Arabic Letter Teh With Small V
08C0 ‎ࣀ‎ Arabic Letter Tteh With Small V
08C1 ‎ࣁ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh With Small V
08C2 ‎ࣂ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh With Small V

Arabic letters for Hausa, Wolof and other African orthographies

08C3 ‎ࣃ‎ Arabic Letter Ghain With Three Dots Above
08C4 ‎ࣄ‎ Arabic Letter African Qaf With Three Dots Above
  this letter shows an additional single dot above for the qaf only in initial and medial forms
  08BC ‎ࢼ‎ arabic letter african qaf
08C5 ‎ࣅ‎ Arabic Letter Jeem With Three Dots Above
08C6 ‎ࣆ‎ Arabic Letter Jeem With Three Dots Below

Arabic letter for Punjabi

08C7 ‎ࣇ‎ Arabic Letter Lam With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above

Arabic letter for Balti

08C8 ‎ࣈ‎ Arabic Letter Graf

Additions for Quranic orthographies

08C9 ‎ࣉ‎ Arabic Small Farsi Yeh
08CA ◌࣊ Arabic Small High Farsi Yeh
08CB ◌࣋ Arabic Small High Yeh Barree With Two Dots Below
08CC ◌࣌ Arabic Small High Word Sah
  =sign of waqf
08CD ◌࣍ Arabic Small High Zah
08CE ◌࣎ Arabic Large Round Dot Above
08CF ◌࣏ Arabic Large Round Dot Below
08D0 ◌࣐ Arabic Sukun Below
08D1 ◌࣑ Arabic Large Circle Below
08D2 ◌࣒ Arabic Large Round Dot Inside Circle Below

Quranic annotation signs

08D3 ◌࣓ Arabic Small Low Waw
08D4 ◌ࣔ Arabic Small High Word Ar-Rub
08D5 ◌ࣕ Arabic Small High Sad
08D6 ◌ࣖ Arabic Small High Ain
08D7 ◌ࣗ Arabic Small High Qaf
08D8 ◌ࣘ Arabic Small High Noon With Kasra
08D9 ◌ࣙ Arabic Small Low Noon With Kasra
08DA ◌ࣚ Arabic Small High Word Ath-Thalatha
08DB ◌ࣛ Arabic Small High Word As-Sajda
08DC ◌ࣜ Arabic Small High Word An-Nisf
08DD ◌ࣝ Arabic Small High Word Sakta
  10EFD ◌𐻽 arabic small low word sakta
08DE ◌ࣞ Arabic Small High Word Qif
08DF ◌ࣟ Arabic Small High Word Waqfa
08E0 ◌࣠ Arabic Small High Footnote Marker
08E1 ◌࣡ Arabic Small High Sign Safha
08E2 ࣢ Arabic Disputed End Of Ayah

Extended vowel sign for Arwi

08E3 ◌ࣣ Arabic Turned Damma Below

Extended vowel signs for Rohingya

08E4 ◌ࣤ Arabic Curly Fatha
08E5 ◌ࣥ Arabic Curly Damma
08E6 ◌ࣦ Arabic Curly Kasra
08E7 ◌ࣧ Arabic Curly Fathatan
08E8 ◌ࣨ Arabic Curly Dammatan
08E9 ◌ࣩ Arabic Curly Kasratan

Tone marks for Rohingya

08EA ◌࣪ Arabic Tone One Dot Above
08EB ◌࣫ Arabic Tone Two Dots Above
08EC ◌࣬ Arabic Tone Loop Above
08ED ◌࣭ Arabic Tone One Dot Below
08EE ◌࣮ Arabic Tone Two Dots Below
08EF ◌࣯ Arabic Tone Loop Below

Quranic annotation signs

08F0 ◌ࣰ Arabic Open Fathatan
  =successive fathatan
08F1 ◌ࣱ Arabic Open Dammatan
  =successive dammatan
08F2 ◌ࣲ Arabic Open Kasratan
  =successive kasratan
08F3 ◌ࣳ Arabic Small High Waw

Extended vowel signs for African languages

08F4 ◌ࣴ Arabic Fatha With Ring
08F5 ◌ࣵ Arabic Fatha With Dot Above
08F6 ◌ࣶ Arabic Kasra With Dot Below
  also used in Philippine languages
08F7 ◌ࣷ Arabic Left Arrowhead Above
08F8 ◌ࣸ Arabic Right Arrowhead Above
  also used in Quranic text in African and other orthographies to represent damma
08F9 ◌ࣹ Arabic Left Arrowhead Below
08FA ◌ࣺ Arabic Right Arrowhead Below
08FB ◌ࣻ Arabic Double Right Arrowhead Above
  also used in Quranic text in African and other orthographies to represent dammatan
08FC ◌ࣼ Arabic Double Right Arrowhead Above With Dot
08FD ◌ࣽ Arabic Right Arrowhead Above With Dot

Extended vowel signs

08FE ◌ࣾ Arabic Damma With Dot
  Philippine languages
08FF ◌ࣿ Arabic Mark Sideways Noon Ghunna