Ornamental Dingbats


Fleurons are leaf or floral-shaped ornaments used for text decoration.
1F650 🙐 North West Pointing Leaf
1F651 🙑 South West Pointing Leaf
1F652 🙒 North East Pointing Leaf
1F653 🙓 South East Pointing Leaf
1F654 🙔 Turned North West Pointing Leaf
1F655 🙕 Turned South West Pointing Leaf
1F656 🙖 Turned North East Pointing Leaf
1F657 🙗 Turned South East Pointing Leaf
1F658 🙘 North West Pointing Vine Leaf
1F659 🙙 South West Pointing Vine Leaf
  2619 ☙ reversed rotated floral heart bullet
1F65A 🙚 North East Pointing Vine Leaf
1F65B 🙛 South East Pointing Vine Leaf
  2767 ❧ rotated floral heart bullet
1F65C 🙜 Heavy North West Pointing Vine Leaf
1F65D 🙝 Heavy South West Pointing Vine Leaf
1F65E 🙞 Heavy North East Pointing Vine Leaf
1F65F 🙟 Heavy South East Pointing Vine Leaf
1F660 🙠 North West Pointing Bud
1F661 🙡 South West Pointing Bud
1F662 🙢 North East Pointing Bud
1F663 🙣 South East Pointing Bud
1F664 🙤 Heavy North West Pointing Bud
1F665 🙥 Heavy South West Pointing Bud
1F666 🙦 Heavy North East Pointing Bud
1F667 🙧 Heavy South East Pointing Bud

Quilt square ornaments

1F668 🙨 Hollow Quilt Square Ornament
1F669 🙩 Hollow Quilt Square Ornament In Black Square
1F66A 🙪 Solid Quilt Square Ornament
  =fourfold knot ornament
1F66B 🙫 Solid Quilt Square Ornament In Black Square
  =inverse fourfold knot ornament

Rocket ornaments

The rocket ornaments function similarly to fleurons for text decoration, and are not intended as pictographs for spaceships.
1F66C 🙬 Leftwards Rocket
  1F680 🚀 rocket
1F66D 🙭 Upwards Rocket
1F66E 🙮 Rightwards Rocket
1F66F 🙯 Downwards Rocket

Ampersand and ligature et ornaments

1F670 🙰 Script Ligature Et Ornament
  =italic ampersand lowercase
  204A ⁊ tironian sign et
1F671 🙱 Heavy Script Ligature Et Ornament
1F672 🙲 Ligature Open Et Ornament
1F673 🙳 Heavy Ligature Open Et Ornament
1F674 🙴 Heavy Ampersand Ornament
  0026 & ampersand
1F675 🙵 Swash Ampersand Ornament
  =italic ampersand

Punctuation mark ornaments

1F676 🙶 Sans-Serif Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
  275D ❝ heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
1F677 🙷 Sans-Serif Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
  275E ❞ heavy double comma quotation mark ornament
1F678 🙸 Sans-Serif Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
  2760 ❠ heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament
1F679 🙹 Heavy Interrobang Ornament
  203D ‽ interrobang
1F67A 🙺 Sans-Serif Interrobang Ornament
1F67B 🙻 Heavy Sans-Serif Interrobang Ornament
1F67C 🙼 Very Heavy Solidus
1F67D 🙽 Very Heavy Reverse Solidus

Miscellaneous symbols

1F67E 🙾 Checker Board
  259E ▞ quadrant upper right and lower left
1F67F 🙿 Reverse Checker Board
  259A ▚ quadrant upper left and lower right