Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A

Miscellaneous symbols

27C0 ⟀ Three Dimensional Angle
  used by Euclid
27C1 ⟁ White Triangle Containing Small White Triangle
  used by Euclid
27C2 ⟂ Perpendicular
  =orthogonal to
  relation, typeset with additional spacing
  22A5 ⊥ up tack
27C3 ⟃ Open Subset
27C4 ⟄ Open Superset

Paired punctuation

27C5 ⟅ Left S-Shaped Bag Delimiter
27C6 ⟆ Right S-Shaped Bag Delimiter


27C7 ⟇ Or With Dot Inside
  2228 ∨ logical or
  228D ⊍ multiset multiplication
  27D1 ⟑ and with dot

Miscellaneous symbols

27C8 ⟈ Reverse Solidus Preceding Subset
27C9 ⟉ Superset Preceding Solidus

Vertical line operator

27CA ⟊ Vertical Bar With Horizontal Stroke
  2AF2 ⫲ parallel with horizontal stroke
  2AF5 ⫵ triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke

Miscellaneous symbol

27CB ⟋ Mathematical Rising Diagonal
  2215 ∕ division slash

Division operator

27CC ⟌ Long Division
  graphically extends over the dividend
  00F7 ÷ division sign
  2215 ∕ division slash
  221A √ square root

Miscellaneous symbol

27CD ⟍ Mathematical Falling Diagonal
  2216 ∖ set minus
  29F5 ⧵ reverse solidus operator


27CE ⟎ Squared Logical And
  =box min
  morphological min product operator
  morphological erosion operator
  additive minimum operator
27CF ⟏ Squared Logical Or
  =box max
  morphological max product operator
  morphological dilation operator
  additive maximum operator

Miscellaneous symbol

27D0 ⟐ White Diamond With Centred Dot
  1F4A0 💠 diamond shape with a dot inside


27D1 ⟑ And With Dot
  2227 ∧ logical and
  27C7 ⟇ or with dot inside
  2A40 ⩀ intersection with dot
27D2 ⟒ Element Of Opening Upwards
  2AD9 ⫙ element of opening downwards
27D3 ⟓ Lower Right Corner With Dot
  230B ⌋ right floor
27D4 ⟔ Upper Left Corner With Dot
  2308 ⌈ left ceiling

Database theory operators

27D5 ⟕ Left Outer Join
27D6 ⟖ Right Outer Join
27D7 ⟗ Full Outer Join
  2A1D ⨝ join

Tacks and turnstiles

27D8 ⟘ Large Up Tack
  22A5 ⊥ up tack
27D9 ⟙ Large Down Tack
  22A4 ⊤ down tack
27DA ⟚ Left And Right Double Turnstile
  22A8 ⊨ true
  2AE4 ⫤ vertical bar double left turnstile
27DB ⟛ Left And Right Tack
  22A2 ⊢ right tack
27DC ⟜ Left Multimap
  22B8 ⊸ multimap
27DD ⟝ Long Right Tack
  22A2 ⊢ right tack
27DE ⟞ Long Left Tack
  22A3 ⊣ left tack
27DF ⟟ Up Tack With Circle Above
  =radial component
  2AF1 ⫱ down tack with circle below

Modal logic operators

27E0 ⟠ Lozenge Divided By Horizontal Rule
  used as form of possibility in modal logic
  25CA ◊ lozenge
27E1 ⟡ White Concave-Sided Diamond
  =never (modal operator)
  25C7 ◇ white diamond
27E2 ⟢ White Concave-Sided Diamond With Leftwards Tick
  =was never (modal operator)
27E3 ⟣ White Concave-Sided Diamond With Rightwards Tick
  =will never be (modal operator)
27E4 ⟤ White Square With Leftwards Tick
  =was always (modal operator)
  25A1 □ white square
  25FB ◻ white medium square
27E5 ⟥ White Square With Rightwards Tick
  =will always be (modal operator)

Mathematical brackets

These bracket characters are also used as punctuation outside of a mathematical context.
27E6 ⟦ Mathematical Left White Square Bracket
  =z notation left bag bracket
  301A 〚 left white square bracket
27E7 ⟧ Mathematical Right White Square Bracket
  =z notation right bag bracket
  301B 〛 right white square bracket
27E8 ⟨ Mathematical Left Angle Bracket
  =z notation left sequence bracket
  2329 〈 left-pointing angle bracket
  3008 〈 left angle bracket
27E9 ⟩ Mathematical Right Angle Bracket
  =z notation right sequence bracket
  232A 〉 right-pointing angle bracket
  3009 〉 right angle bracket
27EA ⟪ Mathematical Left Double Angle Bracket
  =z notation left chevron bracket
  300A 《 left double angle bracket
27EB ⟫ Mathematical Right Double Angle Bracket
  =z notation right chevron bracket
  300B 》 right double angle bracket
27EC ⟬ Mathematical Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket
  2997 ⦗ left black tortoise shell bracket
  3018 〘 left white tortoise shell bracket
27ED ⟭ Mathematical Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket
  2998 ⦘ right black tortoise shell bracket
  3019 〙 right white tortoise shell bracket
27EE ⟮ Mathematical Left Flattened Parenthesis
27EF ⟯ Mathematical Right Flattened Parenthesis