Frank Yung-Fong Tang - AOL

Frank Yung-Fong Tang is a System Architect work for AOL currently focusing on internationalizing AOL services. Frank used to manage the Netscape client product international development team on the Mozilla / Netscape project. Frank joined Netscape in 1995 and worked on Netscape Communicator internationalization from version 1.1i to version 7. Frank designed and developed many Mozilla international features, including the charset converter, charset detection, line breaking, case mapping, text display, input method, Java integration, entity conversion, email MIME support, etc. Before he joined Netscape, Frank worked for Apple Computer and Institute for Information Industry in Taiwan, ROC. Frank received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from Northeastern University, Boston and College Graduate Diploma from Ming-Hsing Junior Engineering College, Taiwan, ROC. Frank could be contacted by email or AIM: yungfongta