Internationalize Web Services using BPEL and
Internationalizing Conversion Web Services
Lei Zhao - IBM Corporation

Intended Audience: Software Engineers, Systems Analysts

Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate

In this paper, we will provide the conception of Internationalizing Conversion Web Services (ICWS). ICWS is one kind of Web services which is used to handle Internationalization related issues, such as doing Locale-Sensitive parameter and return-value conversion. It is based on Locale-Sensitive Data Conversion Utility Classes, such as Measurement Conversion Utility and Text bundle Utility. When combined with Business Logic Web services through BPEL, ICWS becomes the Internationalized wrapper of the Business Logic Web services. It this way, Internationalization related issues are separated from Business Logic Web Services.

When a requester wants to invoke Business Logic Web Services method, it will not submit request to Business Logic Web Services directly anymore, but submit request to BPEL instead. BEPL has the same methods definition as the Business Logic Web Services. When BPEL gets the request, it will first record Client Locale information into variable, then invoke ICWS method to do some Locale-Sensitive parameter conversion if necessary. After the conversion, BEPL will then invoke the actual Business Logic Web Services method. This method is running in Server Locale. The return value will also be converted by ICWS if necessary. After the return value conversion, the final result will then be sent back to the requester.

Business Logic Web Services developers will benefit from this paper. By using this approach, developers only need to consider business logic, and do not need to have Internationalization knowledge and consider Internationalization issues any more.

Target audience should know some Java programming, Web Service and BPEL knowledge.