L10n Workflow - Translation Project Management Best Practices
Frank Bergmann - Project/Open

Intended Audience: Managers, Software Engineers, Systems Analysts, Testers, Product Managers, Localization Project Managers, Senior Managers

Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate

This paper presents a number of best practices in localization project management related to "l10n workflow". In the paper we briefly introduce the concept of l10n workflow and examine a range of options to optimize the cost and turnaround times of l10n projects that have been identified during the development of the "Project/Translation" system.

Best Practices to be explained:

  • Translation Memory
  • Orderly Filestorage: Reduce searching time
  • "Self-Service": Replacing Email by up- and downloads
  • Automatic Purchase Order & Invoice Generation: Reduce admin overhead and errors
  • Status Report: Please your boss and gain visibility
  • Incident Management
  • Knowledge Management: Force PM to write up learned lessons.
  • Executive reporting: Show the project portfolio