
From: Steve Greenfield (steve_greenfield@taligent.com)
Date: Mon May 22 1995 - 13:16:43 EDT

Mail*Link(r) SMTP FWD>unicode/Japanese

I am forwarding this question. Please respond directly to Mr. Akachan.
Thank you.

Date: 5/21/95 1:26 PM
From: AKACHAN@aol.com

I've donwloaded some jis tables to use Japanese. My question is How do I use
the files from JIS to view Japanese Characters. Especially since I need to
view files in Japanese on the Internet!
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.


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Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 16:22:02 -0400
From: AKACHAN@aol.com
Message-Id: <950521162200_126395815@aol.com>
To: unicode-inc@Unicode.ORG
Subject: unicode/Japanese

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