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From: mmdf@punt.demon.co.uk
Date: Wed Jun 28 1995 - 23:26:43 EDT

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        Your message begins as follows:

Received: from punt.demon.co.uk via puntmail for georgefoot@oxted.demon.co.uk;
          Tue, 20 Jun 95 04:43:27 GMT
Received: from unicode.org by punt.demon.co.uk id aa19029; 20 Jun 95 5:43 +0100
Received: by Unicode.ORG (NX5.67c/NX3.0M)
        id AA06876; Mon, 19 Jun 95 20:46:05 -0700
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 95 20:46:05 -0700
From: unicode@unicode.org
Message-Id: <9506200346.AA06876@Unicode.ORG>
Reply-To: Kamal Mansour <kamal@netcom.com>
Errors-To: uni-bounce@Unicode.ORG
Subject: Re: Russian Dual Nationality Fonts
To: unicode@unicode.org

Dan Warner writes:
> Mail*Link(r) SMTP Russian Dual Nationality Fonts.
> Hi.
> I have recently been trying to create a dual nationality (Russian/English)
> Type 1 font using Fontographer 4.0.4 on the Macintosh, with the aim of
> using this font to transfer files between the MacOS and Windows 3.1.
> Having experimented with Fontographer I have found that 95% of my new font
> will transfer cross-platform, but certain characters give erratic results,

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