Re: Bidi in HTML

From: M.T. Carrasco Benitez (
Date: Sat May 11 1996 - 21:10:09 EDT

On 10 May 1996, Jonathan Rosenne wrote:

> Most of the standards people in Israel were not aware of the draft
> until very recently, and it was a crash project to get the comments
> out.

It was agree at the Internationalization Workshop during the Fifth
WWW Conference that I will maintain a document that is a list of issues
and a primer concerning all the aspects of the Web Internationalization &
Multilinguism. The present version was my position paper for the above
Workshop and it is at

After some modifications following the Workshop and the many suggestions
by Martin Duerst, I will present it as an Internet-Draft.

The WInter mailing list on this subject will become the official W3C list
on i18n. I will pass control to the W3C when they arrange the logistics.
For detail see the WInter page at


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