Are you sponsoring IUC10?

From: Misha Wolf (
Date: Wed Nov 27 1996 - 15:21:27 EST


Unicode Conferences happen as a result of volunteer effort, just like all
other Consortium activities. It helps a lot if the people representing
companies and other organisations within the Consortium do their bit to help
with sponsorship, publicity etc.

We currently have three sponsors for IUC10 in Germany: Netscape, Reuters and
Software AG. If you represent some other company or organisation, please
ask yourself why is your organisation not in this list. And then please do
something about it. Today.

We ask sponsoring organisations to commit to, at the very least, placing a
link to the Conference Web pages on their Web sites. Other highly desirable
actions are:
- mailing your staff/customers/contacts about the Conference,
- loaning equiment, eg PCs,
- arranging/funding Internet connectivity,
- donating/funding items to be included in the attendee packs (eg bags,
   CD-ROMs, T-shirts),
- contributing financially towards the Reception, and/or towards the
   expenses of speakers who could not otherwise attend.
All sponsoring actions will be acknowledged on the Conference Web pages.

The IUC10 brochure is going to print this week. That leaves little time to
add further logos. The Conference Web site, however, will evolve over the
coming weeks, so you have the time to persuade your PR people that Unicode
Conference sponsorship is a Good Thing.

Thank you.

Misha Wolf
Chair of Conference Review Board
Tenth International Unicode Conference

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