Unicode Conference - March 1997 - Reminder

From: Unicode-News
Date: Fri Jan 31 1997 - 18:49:53 EST


On February 10, 1997, the discount for early Conference registration
ends, as does the reduced cost of Conference hotel rooms.

You have one more week to register for both the Conference and the
hotel at the current reduced rates. A registration form is included
in the appended reminder and can also be found on the Conference Web

The Conference will be held in Mainz, the German city where Johannes
Gutenberg created Europe's first book printed with movable type. The
information revolution that invention sparked in fifteenth century
Europe can be compared to the more recent revolution brought about by
the Internet. One important difference is that this time the effect
is not limited to any one continent, but is truly global. And so the
theme of our next conference is:

                  Europe, Software + the Internet:
                      Going Global with Unicode

Please bring the Conference to the attention of your friends and

Misha Wolf
Chair of Conference Review Board
Tenth International Unicode Conference


               Tenth International Unicode Conference
                      Global Computing Showcase

     Europe, Software + the Internet: Going Global with Unicode

                          March 10-12, 1997

                           Mainz, Germany

The Tenth International Unicode Conference will bring together
industry-wide experts on the global Internet and Unicode,
internationalization and localization, implementation of Unicode in
operating systems and applications, fonts, text layout, and
multilingual computing.

   Accent Software International
   Apple Computer, Inc.
   LISA (Localisation Industry Standards Association)
   Microsoft Corporation
   Netscape Communications Corporation
   Reuters Limited
   Software AG
   Unisys Corporation
   W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
   Zebra Technologies Corporation


   Mainz Hilton
   Rheinstrasse 68.
   55116 Mainz

   Tel: +49-6131-2450
   Fax: +49-6131-245-589
   Telex: 4187570


A guest room block has been set aside for the Conference.

Conference rates: DM 240 single room per night
                        DM 260 double room per night

These rates include buffet breakfast, tax and service charges.

To receive these special rates, you may reserve your room either
directly with the Mainz Hilton by phone or fax, or together with your
conference registration through Global Meeting Services. Please
request the Unicode Conference special group rate. See form attached
to conference registration form.

Hotel reservations should be made prior to February 10, 1997.
Thereafter this special rate will be offered on a space available
basis only.


Conference attendees are to make their own travel arrangements.
Japanese guests may make their travel arrangements through:
   Skyear Express Inc.
   Attention: Mr. Hibi or Mr. Ono
   7-9-3 Akasaka. Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 107
   Tel: +813 (3585) 8371 Fax: +813 (3584) 2060


   Unicode members: $ 725.00 / DM 1,075
      This includes all employees of corporate and
      associate members, as well as individual members

      Before February 10 $ 775.00 / DM 1,150
      After February 10 $ 825.00 / DM 1,225

Conference registration includes all conference materials and
proceedings, refreshment breaks and luncheons for all days, the
cocktail reception and entry to the exhibition area.


Visit the Showcase to find out more about products supporting the
Unicode Standard, and products and services that can help you
globalize/localize your software, documentation and Internet content.

The Showcase is open during the cocktail reception on March 10 from
17:00 to 20:00.

Reserve your exhibit space now. Contact Barbara at:
   Global Meeting Services Inc.
   Tel: +1-604-983-9157
   Fax: +1-604-983-9158
   Email: conference@unicode.org
      or: info@global-conference.com

                         CONFERENCE PROGRAM

      For amendments, please check the conference Web pages at
 <http://www.reuters.com/unicode/iuc10> or <http://www.unicode.org>.

                       Day 1: Monday, March 10

                 Opening Address by Conference Chair

                             Misha Wolf,
             Globalisation Manager, Reuters Limited, UK
       The Unicode Standard(TM): Challenges and Opportunities

                           Asmus Freytag,
               VP Marketing, The Unicode(R) Consortium
                           Keynote Address

                          Ira Scharfglass,
  VP Global Applications, Netscape Communications Corporation, USA
    Track A | Track B | Track C | Track D
A: | B: | C: | D:
Tutorial | Tutorial | Tutorial | Tutorial
                | | |
See below for | See below for | See below for | See below for
details | details | details | details
A: | B: | C: | D:
Tutorial - | Tutorial - | Tutorial - | Tutorial -
Continued | Continued | Continued | Continued
                | | |
See below for | See below for | See below for | See below for
details | details | details | details
                        Details of Tutorials

 The four tutorials will run in parallel tracks, and last just over
 three hours, with a break for lunch approximately halfway through.
                             Tutorial A:
              Unicode and HTML: Status and Developments

                          Martin J. D vrst,
    Senior Research Associate, University of Zurich, Switzerland
                          Fran [ois Yergeau,
         Technology Adviser, Alis Technologies Inc., Canada
                         Gavin Thomas Nicol,
         Primary Engineer, Inso Providence Corporation, USA
                             Tutorial B:
                   The Unicode Standard: Version 2

                           Asmus Freytag,
                     President, ASMUS, Inc., USA
                             Tutorial C:
      Non-Latin Writing Systems: Characteristics and Impacts on
                    Multinational Product Design

                           Richard Ishida,
      Globalisation Consultant, Rank Xerox Technical Centre, UK
                             Tutorial D:
    Language Support and Unicode in Relational Databases and SQL

                           Stefan Buchta,
  Group Manager, Software AG / Beacon Information Technology, Japan
                            Mike McKenna,
             Globalisation Architect, Sybase, Inc., USA
       Track A | Track B | Track C
A1: | B1: | C1:
World Wide Web | Unicode and the New | ISO 10646 - Unicode:
Consortium Activities | Information | Continued Convergence
in | Appliances |
Internationalization | | Michael Ksar,
                      | Jim Welch, | Hewlett-Packard
Bert Bos, | Director, Emerging | Company, USA
Internationalization | Technologies, |
Coordinator, World | Bitstream, USA |
Wide Web Consortium, | |
France | |
A2: | B2: | C2:
A Platform to Publish | Unicode & Fonts | Unicode - The Glue in
and Retrieve | | the European Coding
Multilingual | Kamal Mansour, | World - Some Case
Information on the | Manager of Non-Latin | Studies
WWW | Products, Monotype |
                      | Typography Inc., USA | Wolfgang Keber,
Yean-Fee Ho, | | Senior Consultant and
Director of Business | | Project Leader,
Development and | | DIaLOGIKa, Germany
World-wide Solutions, | |
Star+Globe | |
Technologies, | |
Singapore | |
A3: | B3: | C3:
Lotus, Domino, Notes | Ultracode: A Barcode | Conversion of a
and Java | Symbology Encoding | Multinational
                      | Unicode 2.0 | Software Developer to
Kevin Cavanaugh, | | Unicode - A Case-
VP International, | Clive P Hohberger, | history-to-date
Lotus, USA | VP, Technology |
                      | Development, Zebra | Mike McKenna,
                      | Technologies | Globalisation
                      | Corporation, USA | Architect, Sybase,
                      | | Inc., USA

                      Day 2: Tuesday, March 11

       Track A | Track B | Track C
A4: | B4: | C4:
Unicode and | Microsoft Office97 | Win32 and Unicode
Internationalization | and Unicode |
in Netscape | | William S. Hall,
Communicator | Chris Pratley, | Program Manager,
                      | Far East Program | International, NETCOM
Frank Yung-Fong Tang, | Manager, Microsoft | On-Line
Internationalization | Corporation, USA | Communications
Engineer, Netscape | | Services, Inc., USA
Communications | |
Corporation, USA | |
A5: | B5: | C5:
Supporting Multiple | Unicode and Java - | Unicode and
Languages and | Design and | Internationalization
Character Sets on the | Implementation of a | with UNIX and the X-
Internet | Unicode Word | Window System
                      | Processing System in |
F. Avery Bishop, | Java | Hideki Hiura,
Senior Program | | Architect / Sr. Staff
Manager, New | Mirko Raner, | Engineer, SunSoft,
Languages Enabling | Software Developer, | Inc., USA
Group, Microsoft | Mathema Software |
Corporation, USA | GmbH, Germany |
Lori Brownell, Senior | |
Program Manager, | |
Personal and Business | |
Systems Group, | |
Microsoft | |
Corporation, USA | |
A6: | B6: | C6:
Java | Developing a Unicode | The Future of Unicode
Internationalization | Desktop Publishing | Support on the
Architecture | Application Based on | Macintosh
                      | Windows NT and |
Asmus Freytag, | Windows 95 | Merle Tenney,
President, ASMUS, | | International
Inc., USA | Thomas Nielsen, | Technologies
                      | Project Manager, R&D, | Evangelist, Apple
                      | Calamus, MGI Software | Computer, Inc., USA
                      | Corp., Denmark |
A7: | B7: | C7:
Java | A Unicode Text Object | Developing
Internationalization | Model (TOM) | Applications Using
Architecture - | | Universal Language
Continued | Murray Sargent III, | Support
                      | Senior Software |
Asmus Freytag, | Design Engineer, | Steve Atkin,
President, ASMUS, | Microsoft | Staff Programmer /
Inc., USA | Corporation, USA | Development Lead
                      | | Universal Language
                      | | Support, IBM
                      | | Corporation, USA
A8: | B8: | C8:
Migration to a Fully | Overcoming Search | Case Study of Two
Supported Unicode WWW | Ambiguities in | Multiscript Locales
Server | Unicode 2.0 | in Solaris
                      | |
Borka Jerman-Blazic, | Jonathan Clark, | A Speaker,
Head of Department, | Senior Development | SunSoft, Inc., USA
Institute Jozef | Engineer, |
Stefan, Slovenia | International |
Andrej Gogala, | Communications(R) |
Junior Researcher, | Inc., USA |
Institute Jozef | |
Stefan, Slovenia | |
Konstantin V. | |
Chuguev, | |
Chelyabinsk Technical | |
University, Russia | |
A9: | B9: | C9:
Making your Web | Application- | Global Distributed
Server Render Unicode | Independent | Printing with Unicode
Text for your Client | Representation of |
Users | Multilingual Text | Dale Bethers,
                      | | Senior Software
Leong Kok Yong, | Chris A Rowley, | Engineer, Novell,
Research Programmer, | Senior Lecturer and | Inc., USA
National University | Staff Tutor, Open |
of Singapore, | University, UK |
Singapore | Frank Mittelbach, |
                      | System Engineer, |
                      | Electronic Data |
                      | Systems, Germany |
A10: | B10: | C10:
Supporting Multiple | From Unicode to | The CHASE Project -
Character Sets on the | Typography, via | Experiments with
Internet | Omega: Greek, Ancient | Unicode in European
                      | and Modern | Libraries
Peter Edberg, | |
International | Yannis Haralambous, | Anthony Brickell,
Software Engineer, | Atelier Fluxus Virus, | Technical Manager,
Apple Computer, Inc., | France | The British Library,
USA | John Plaice | UK
                      | Universite de Laval, |
                      | Canada |
A11: | B11: | C11:
Dynaweb: Content | Character Mapping: | Unicode, Ancient
Generation Based on | Methods and Issues | Languages and the WWW
Client Preferences | |
                      | Lloyd Honomichl, | Carl-Martin Bunz,
Gavin Thomas Nicol, | Internationalization | Academic Research
Primary Engineer, | Architect, Novell, | Assistant, Johann
Inso Providence | Inc., USA | Wolfgang Goethe
Corporation, USA | | University, Germany
                      | | Jost Gippert,
                      | | Professor, Johann
                      | | Wolfgang Goethe
                      | | University, Germany
A12: | B12: | C12:
Multilingual Template | Reuters Compression | Multilingual Bulletin
Pages for the WWW | Scheme for Unicode | of New Receipts of
Based on Unicode | (RCSU) | the Russian Library
                      | | for Foreign
Judith Gilbert, | Misha Wolf, | Literature now on the
Director of | Globalisation | Net
Engineering, vivid | Manager, Reuters |
studios, USA | Limited, UK | Ilya Gavrishin,
                      | | System Engineer,
                      | | Russian State Library
                      | | for Foreign
                      | | Literature, Russia

                     Day 3: Wednesday, March 12

       Track A | Track B | Track C
         WEB | DATABASES | CJK
A13: | B13: | C13:
Unicode: the Right | Language Support and | Kanji Database and
Way to Develop Web | Unicode Features in | Input Method of
Applications for | the SQL Standards | "Itaiji"
Windows | |
                      | Stefan Buchta, | Eiji Matsuoka,
Peter Amstein, | Group Manager, | Associate Professor,
Software Design | Software AG / Beacon | Director of Chinese
Engineer, Microsoft | Information | Language and
Corporation, USA | Technology, Japan | Literature, Tokyo-
                      | Mike McKenna | Gakugeidaigaku, Japan
                      | Globalisation | Tatsuo Kobayashi
                      | Architect, Sybase, | Director, Digital
                      | Inc., USA | Culture Research,
                      | | Justsystem
                      | | Corporation, Japan
                      | | Koji Gotoda
                      | | Product Development
                      | | Engineer, Justsystem
                      | | Corporation, Japan
A14: | B14: | C14:
Internationalization | Use of Unicode by | East Asian Character
and Unicode in LDAP | World-Class Database | Coding and New
Directory Services | Vendors | Software
                      | | Implementations
J vrgen Bettels, | Mike McKenna, |
Internationalization | Globalisation | Thomas H. Hahn,
Consultant, Global | Architect, Sybase, | Librarian,
Ink Consultants, | Inc., USA | Sinologist,
Switzerland / | | University of
Netscape | | Heidelberg, Germany
Communications | |
Corporation, USA | |
A15: | B15: | C15:
Platform Independent | Character Set | Internationalisation:
Input Method Protocol | Definition and | More than just
for the Internet, | Conversion in Unicode | Character Sets
Network Computer(NC) | |
and Java | Jianping Yang, | Richard Ishida,
                      | Senior Technical | Globalisation
Hideki Hiura, | Staff, Oracle | Consultant, Rank
Architect / Sr. Staff | Corporation, USA | Xerox Technical
Engineer, SunSoft, | Gail Yamanaka, | Centre, UK
Inc., USA | Principal Product |
                      | Manager, Server |
                      | Globalization |
                      | Technology, |
                      | Oracle Corporation, |
                      | USA |
A16: | B16: | C16:
Unicode and HTML: | Unicode in | Strategies for
Status and | Distributed Computing | Globalizing Software
Developments | Environments |
                      | | David Goldstein,
Martin J. D vrst, | Mike McKenna, | Technical Product
Senior Research | Globalisation | Manager, Accent
Associate, University | Architect, Sybase, | Software
of Zurich, | Inc., USA | International, Israel
Switzerland | |
A17: | B17: | C17:
Web | Handling Complex | LISA and Unicode
Internationalization | Unicode Rendering |
& Multilingualism | Problems | Michael Annobile,
Symposium - A Report | | Director, The LISA
                      | John H. Jenkins, | Forum, Switzerland
M.T. Carrasco | International |
Benitez, | Software Engineer, |
European Commission | Apple Computer, Inc., |
(on leave), | USA |
Luxembourg | |
A18: | B18: | C18:
Weaving the | Complex Script | Notes Global Designer
Multilingual Web: An | Support in | - Developing
Open Discussion Forum | Microsoft(R) Windows | Multilingual Notes
(BOF) | NT | Applications for the
                      | | World
                      | F. Avery Bishop, |
                      | Senior Program | Thierry Mayeur,
                      | Manager, New | International Product
                      | Languages Enabling | Manager, Lotus,
                      | Group, Microsoft | Canada
                      | Corporation, USA |
A19: | B19: | C19:
Weaving the | Supporting Exotic | Writing World Ready
Multilingual Web: An | Languages through | Applications for
Open Discussion Forum | Unicode | Win32
(BOF) - Continued | |
                      | Ken Fowles, | Lori Brownell, Senior
                      | Director, Internet | Program Manager,
                      | Globalization | Personal and Business
                      | Technologies, Gamma | Systems Group,
                      | Productions, Inc., | Microsoft
                      | USA | Corporation, USA
A20: | B20: | C20:
Weaving the | Encoding Sense and | Unallocated
Multilingual Web: An | Nonsense - The Arabic |
Open Discussion Forum | Ligature |
(BOF) - Continued | |
                      | Thomas Milo, |
                      | President, DecoType, |
                      | Netherlands |


Please complete and return this form by mail, fax or e-mail with the
appropriate fees to:

Tenth International Unicode Conference
c/o Global Meeting Services Inc.
3627 Princess Avenue
North Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V7N 2E4

Tel: +1-604-983-9157
Fax: +1-604-983-9158
E-mail: conference@unicode.org
    or: info@global-conference.com

Name: ____________________________________________________

Title/Position: ____________________________________________________

Affiliation: ____________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________________

Prov/State: ____________________________________________________

Postal/Zip code: ____________________________________________________

Country: ____________________________________________________

Telephone: ____________________________________________________

Fax: ____________________________________________________

E-Mail: ____________________________________________________



   Unicode member [ ] $ 725.00 / DM 1,075


      Before February 10 [ ] $ 775.00 / DM 1,150

      After February 10 [ ] $ 825.00 / DM 1,225

Hotel (optional):

   Hotel reservation required: [ ]

   Arrival Date: ________________

   Departure Date: ________________

   Room Preferences: [ ] Smoking
                     [ ] Non-Smoking

                     [ ] Single @ DM 240 per night*
                     [ ] Double @ DM 260 per night*

   Credit card guarantee to hold room [ ]

   * This rate valid until February 10

Remittance is by:

[ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] American Express
[ ] Discover [ ] Diners Club [ ] Cheque

Credit cards will be billed in US dollars

Credit card number Expiry date

Name of cardholder Signature

Please make cheques payable to Global Meeting Services


Cancellations received and post-marked prior to February 21, 1997
will receive an 80% refund to be mailed after the Conference.
Substitutions will be permitted to March 10, 1997.


Please indicate below which sessions you are interested in. This
will help the conference organisers allocate rooms to sessions.

   [ ] A
   [ ] B
   [ ] C
   [ ] D

   [ ] A1 [ ] B1 [ ] C1
   [ ] A2 [ ] B2 [ ] C2
   [ ] A3 [ ] B3 [ ] C3
   [ ] A4 [ ] B4 [ ] C4
   [ ] A5 [ ] B5 [ ] C5
   [ ] A6 [ ] B6 [ ] C6
   [ ] A7 [ ] B7 [ ] C7
   [ ] A8 [ ] B8 [ ] C8
   [ ] A9 [ ] B9 [ ] C9
   [ ] A10 [ ] B10 [ ] C10
   [ ] A11 [ ] B11 [ ] C11
   [ ] A12 [ ] B12 [ ] C12
   [ ] A13 [ ] B13 [ ] C13
   [ ] A14 [ ] B14 [ ] C14
   [ ] A15 [ ] B15 [ ] C15
   [ ] A16 [ ] B16 [ ] C16
   [ ] A17 [ ] B17 [ ] C17
   [ ] A18 [ ] B18 [ ] C18
   [ ] A19 [ ] B19 [ ] C19
   [ ] A20 [ ] B20 [ ] C20

Attendee list:
   [ ] Please do not include my name on the attendee list


If your organization is interested in exhibiting at the Conference,
please contact Global Meeting Services at the above location.


Unicode(TM) and the Unicode logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc.
Used with permission.

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