Re: regular expressions

From: Keld J|rn Simonsen (
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 16:33:23 EST

unicode@Unicode.ORG writes:

> > 2. Has anyone given any serious thought to extensions of said Unixoid regular
> > expression syntax to handle non-English alphabets used as "ranges" for pattern
> > matching?
> Presumably any such extensions would need to include concepts of sort
> order if they are going to handle ranges. In other words the whole
> Unicode character properties database is not a sufficient resource;
> some sort standard (preferably the nascent ISO 14651) tables are also
> needed. Doesn't make for a small grep (or whatever).

ISO 14651 does not require ISO 10646, but can also be used in
a ISO 8859-1 or other 8-bit environment, without need for 64 k


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