Mailing list musings (was: RSVP...)

From: Pete Resnick (
Date: Thu Jul 17 1997 - 19:30:20 EDT

On 7/17/97 at 5:36 PM -0500, Tatsuo L. Kobayashi wrote:
>Of course,
>I will be there.

On 7/17/97 at 5:01 PM -0500, Arnold F Winkler wrote:
>I'll be there

Let's hear it for that Reply-To line. :-( Obviously these should have gone
to the sender and *not* to the list. But the list is trying to be helpful.
Silly list. Getting rid of the From field pointing to the list is great.
Leaving the Reply-To pointing to the list is unnecessary; I can use the
Reply-All command if I want to talk to the list.

I've also noticed that the mailing list likes to eat some header fields
(like some custom header fields I put on my own mail so that I recognize
where I sent them from when I get a copy back from a mailing list), but
also likes to reinvent some of its own, like Message-ID and Date. It would
be nice if these header fields would be passed through from the original
without being changed. Especially Message-ID makes duplicate suppression a
real pain, and it's nice to get the original date so that you can see when
the person actually created the message, and in which time zone.

Please continue making positive changes like the From fix.


Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Work: (217)337-6377 / Fax: (217)337-1980

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