Re: Why Ligatures?

From: Herman Ranes (
Date: Thu Oct 16 1997 - 04:27:15 EDT

Den 15 Oct 97 klokka 17:29 skreiv Alain LaBont\i - ordi1dgsig i «Re:
Why Ligatures?»:

> coexistence, coercitif, Groenland
> [the joined digraph is prohibited, and there is no diaeresis to give us a
> clue]

I am curious: I suppose the French name is derived from the danish
"Grønland", which is pronounced with an /ö/-sound. Why then is not
Gr<oe>nland used in French --- with the same /ö/-sound??


Herman Ranes                  Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag
                              Avdeling for teknologi
Telefon   +47 73559606        Institutt for elektroteknikk
Telefaks  +47 73559581
<>          N-7005 Trondheim   NOREG

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