Special issue on multilingual processing

From: Misha Wolf (misha.wolf@reuters.com)
Date: Fri Oct 17 1997 - 17:25:04 EDT

I found the following on the www-talk@w3.org list.



                    Call for Communications

The Journal "Traitement Automatique des Langues" will publish a
special issue on multilingual processing:


Multilingual processing presents special challenges for Natural
Language Processing. Most NLP research and applications concentrate on
one language only and rarely deal with either low-level problems
(multiple codesets, localization vs. internationalization, linguistic
variants) or higher-level problems (organization of multilingual
lexicons and grammars). This special issue will recognize the
importance of adequate low-level processing and multilingual software
organization, describe multilingual applications, and present
approaches to the structuration and development of multilingual
lexicons and grammars.

Topics (non limitative)

 - multilingual text processing
 - localization and internationalization
 - multilingual information retrieval and extraction
 - multilingual MT systems
 - multilingual text generation
 - multilingual WWW
 - multilingual dictionaries and terminological databases
 - multilingual ontologies and thesaurii
 - multilingual grammars and parsers


Papers (30 pages max in double space, Helvetica 12) are accepted in
RTF, Latex or MIF formats. Latex style is downloadable from
http://ticotico.linguist.jussieu.fr/~atala/tal/normes.html. Papers can
also be submitted in French.

Papers should be submitted to (e-mail preferred):

        Rimi Zajac
        Computing Research Laboratory
        New Mexico State University
        Box 30001 / Dept. 3CRL
        Las Cruces NM 88003

        Tel +1-505-646-5782
        Fax +1-505-646-6218
        Email zajac@crl.nmsu.edu

The Journal

The Journal "Traitement Automatique des Langues" is published by ATALA
(http://ticotico.linguist.jussieu.fr/~atala/) and distributed by

Editor: A. Abeilli (Universiti Paris 7)

Editorial Board:
                             J. Anis (Universiti Paris 10)
                             D. Climent (Bergische Universitdt Wuppertal)
                             A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail)
                             C. Gardent (Universitdt des Saarlandes)
                             R. Grunig (Universiti Paris 7)
                             B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud)
                             C. Jacquemin (IRIN, Nantes)
                             P. Lafon (INALF, ENS St Cloud)
                             J-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM)
                             P. Miller (Universiti Lille III)
                             P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Paris 6)
Scientific Board:
                             M. Borillo (CNRS, P. Sabatier, Toulouse)
                             R. Carri (ENST, Paris)
                             J-P. Desclis (Universiti Paris IV)
                             C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris)
                             M. Gross (LADL, Paris 7)
                             F. Rastier (Paris 4)
                             W. von Hahn (Univ Hambourg)
                             Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ)
                             A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble)

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except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of
Reuters Ltd.

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