Re: Creating global applications in Java

From: Kevin Bracey (
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 05:02:35 EST

On Tue 11 Nov, David Goldsmith wrote:
> Mark Davis ( wrote:
> >Have you tried resetting the encoding manually? I know some people have
> >been able to see it.
> I did try, but according to "Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup
> Language", the tag in the page itself takes precedence over any user
> preference. I'm using Internet Explorer 3.01 for Mac, and it correctly
> ignores my preference setting and uses the tag on the page.

That's incorrect. It should override the default setting (in your Choices
dialogue box, or wherever), but you should be able to override the setting
for that individual page from an Encoding menu of some sort.

Kevin Bracey, Senior Software Engineer
Acorn Computers Ltd                           Tel: +44 (0) 1223 725228
Acorn House, 645 Newmarket Road               Fax: +44 (0) 1223 725901
Cambridge, CB5 8PB, United Kingdom            WWW:

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