RE: [long] Use of Unicode in AbiWord

From: Alain LaBont\i\ (
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 14:08:58 EST

A 10:18 99-03-30 -0500, Hart, Edwin F. a écrit :
>Merci beaucoup!

Il n'y a pas de quoi !

But, oops, I did not completely do what I wrote...

I wrote:

>For French, not, but there is a "trait d'union" (hyphen) missing to be
grammatically correct. (;
>To be even more nit-picking I added correct typographic conventions for
French (3 additional characters, i.e. the two angled quotes plus NBSP)...
>>"Excusez-moi, parlez vous français?"
>Corrected text (including correct typography of French quotes and required
spaces [3 more]) (; (: :
>« Excusez-moi, parlez vous français ? »
>(please note the use of the Latin 1 spacing macron to underline (: )

The correct sentence still misses the hyphen I was talking about (the one
between « parlez » and « vous »):
« Excusez-moi, parlez-vous français ? »

Sorry about this.


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