Re: Hexadecimal in many scripts (ISO 14755)

From: Alain LaBont\i\ (
Date: Tue Jun 08 1999 - 20:49:29 EDT

A 17:12 99-06-08 -0700, a écrit :
>This is not to say
>that the standards folks can't choose to pursue it anyway, but I would expect
>them to decide where they stand on these issues before they get too far.

[Alain] A point that you might have missed: the standard ISO/IEC 14755 is
a published de jure standard, not one under development. Localizing hex is
an option if the Latin script is *not* used... It is simply said but it
also means that it is not mandating any implementer to go beyond the Latin
script if the Latin script is used and if no user demands hex localization.

Alain LaBonté
Prject Editor, ISO/IEC 14755

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