Plain text: Amendment 1

From: Frank da Cruz (
Date: Fri Jul 02 1999 - 12:23:08 EDT

90 seconds later...

 1. Spaces, such as U+0020 and U+00A0, which are are "kept" (e.g.
    adjacent spaces are not collapsed).

 2. Horizontal Tabs are indicated by the HT character, U+0009. Tab
    stops shall be assumed every 8 columns, starting at the first. (This
    provision is primarily to facilitate conversion of ASCII and 8-bit
    text to Unicode. Alternatively, it would be OK to force all
    horizontal alignment to be accomplished by spaces.)

 3. Line breaks are indicated by Line Separator, U+2028. Preformatted
    text must break lines at column 79 or less to avoid unwanted
    reformatting. Column numbers are 1-based, relative to the left or
    right margin, according to the previaling directionality, with
    single-width characters as the counting unit. A line break is
    required at the end of the final line if it is to be considered a
    line. (This is to allow append operations to work in the expected

 4. Paragraph breaks are indicated by two successive Line Separators
    or by Paragraph Separator, U+2029.

 5. Hard page breaks are indicated by FF, U+000C.

Change (4) to:

 4. Paragraph breaks are indicated by Paragraph Separator, U+2029.

Add to (3):

    A blank line is indicated by two successive Line Separators.
    Two blank lines are indicated by three of them, etc.

This is to allow paragraphs like this one, which contain embedded
"displays" set off by blank lines that are NOT paragraph separators.

- Frank

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