Re: dotless j

From: Bjørn Brox (
Date: Mon Jul 05 1999 - 02:30:37 EDT

Curtis Clark wrote:
> 3. Dotless j could go in the private use area, and all the users of
> languages that required accented j could agree on where.

You find the solution for most of the themes that have been discussed
lately in the Corporate Use Sub area of unicode used by Adobe:
Sub- and superscript variants, dosless-j, mathematical symbols etc.:

I am trying to use unicode internally in a system I am working with, and
have found the codes defined in the corporateuse.txt file quite useful,
- actually I have accepted the range as part of the "standard".

It is a pity that the standardizers is not interested in listening to
people that try to implement a practical use of Unicode, where for
example dotless j is really needed in rendering text, together with a
lot of the characters listed in for example Adobes list.

If you look on the road map for unicode they have spent a lot of time
filling up for example the Private Use Area with non-exsisting bullshit
like Klingon etc., instead if making room for characters that is needed
to typeset languages that exist today.
My understanding is that the best answer you can get is: Suggest it for
Plane-1 which may be useful in a couple of years.

Bjørn Brox, CORENA Norge AS,, ICQ#17872043
Kirkegårdsvn. 45, P.O.Box 1024, N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY
Phone: +47 32737435, Fax: +47 32736877, Mobile: +47 92638590

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