RE: off topic emails

From: Timothy Partridge (
Date: Tue Aug 24 1999 - 18:18:39 EDT

Heinz Baumann recently said:

> You hit the nail on the head! I'm getting to this point too, where I ask
> myself whether I should unsubscribe, although once in a while their is some
> useful information coming across.
> I acutely like to suggest to the Unicode Con. to create a Unicode news
> group, to encourage all subscriber to move the discussion from this e-mail
> alias over to the news group and to use this e-mail list for announcements
> and changes in the Unicode standard and its consortium.

Extract from the Unicode mailing list Help File:


There is also a "news" list to which you can subscribe if you are ONLY
interested in official consortium announcements, and have no wish to
participate in any technical discussion. Send a similar subscription
request to "", to wit:

        subscribe news

If you subscribe to the list, then it is REDUNDANT to
subscribe to the news list; all official announcements are sent to both
lists. If you subscribe to both, you will get two copies of all official
announcements. In subscribing to the news list, you gain nothing extra;
the news list is a broadcast-only list intended solely for individuals with
no interest in technical discussions or message exchange.

Is this still going?


Tim Partridge. Any opinions expressed are mine only and not those of my employer

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