Re: Mixed up priorities

Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 01:19:41 EDT

       Socrates: "Hmmm. Maybe I don't need to go looking for that
       hemlock after all."

       From: <> AT Internet on 10/21/99 08:37 PM

       Received on: 10/21/99

       To: Peter Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT, AT
       Subject: Re: Mixed up priorities

       At 1999-10-21 18:22, Reynolds, Gregg wrote:

>Why is the burden of proof on the users of the language? I
       would turn the >question around: is it really _necessary_ to
       leave slovak/czech "ch" out of >Unicode?

       It's already in Unicode. The Slovak character 'ch' has a
       representation U+0063 U+0068. There's also an uppercase version
       U+0043 U+0048 and a titlecase version U+0043 U+0068.

       Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

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