Custom LCIDs (was Re: Same language, two locales (RE: Locale string for...)

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sat Sep 02 2000 - 11:37:12 EDT

From: "Sean O Seaghdha" <>
> I know this is now rather off-topic, but if some kind soul would like to
> explain to me how to add the necessary NLS information to Windows NT
> off list, I would be very grateful. I have figured out how to add
> for proofing, so that text can be marked for language in Word, but
> there are other elements to add (collation, dates, etc.). MS tend to tell
> how to use/access this information when it's installed, but not how to
> it for unsupported languages/locales.

I got two such requests on e-mail, too.... so there seems to be enough
interest to keep it here. :-)

Unfortunately, this is not supported. There is no way to add NLS information
or custom locales (although there is a means for providing LCIDs that are
"user defined"). You can always change current settings, though.

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