Re: Macintosh OS8.6, OS9

From: Bertrand Laidain (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 17:40:00 EST

The MacOs did support Unicode in 8.6 and 9.x, see

Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging Reference

Handling Unicode Text Editing With Multilingual Text Engine

Programming With the Text Encoding Conversion Manager

Netscape, Internet Explorer and Icab (another browser for the MacOs)
use UTF8 (Internet Explorer and Icab via the TEC)

In macOs 9.1 with an apllication which supports the Multilingual Text
Engine you can even use a windows true type font like cyberbit
without converting it to Macintosh format.

There is still some problems, but you can't say it's not supported at all.


>A communication with someone offlist (though I think he is on the list)
>suggested that Unicode is not supported at all in Macintosh OS8.6 or OS9,
>not even to the degree that it is supported in Windows 9x, except by means
>of Windows emulation (if I'm characterizing the message correctly; it is on
>another computer at the moment). Is this true? (Obviously I don't use Mac
>OS much). I question this statement because the last time I used a Mac with
>OS8.6 (I don't have many opportunities, I'm afraid), Netscape 4 did include
>the UTF-8 encoding among the permitted encodings; but as it wasn't my
>computer, I didn't install a Unicode font to test it.

Bertrand Laidain
1, rue Stendhal
75020 Paris

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