RE: Playing with Unicode (was: Re: UTF-17)

From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 06:20:51 EDT

Otto Stolz wrote:
> Yet, I acknowledge the need to clearly mark humorous UTF propositions
> for the unsuspicious. Hence, I'd like to suggest to enclose their
> respective acronyms between \u202B and \u202C. This would be enough
> hinting on the skewed nature of such suggestions while still
> indicating their acronymic nature.

What has bidirectional embedding to do with jokes?
It would be bettered to enclose humorous acronyms as such with ruby, i.e. to
enclose them between \uFFF9 and \uFFFA\u203D\u2323\uFFFB.

_ Marco

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