(no subject)

From: DougEwell2@cs.com
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 12:09:49 EST

On the official Web site of the Cherokee Nation (Tahlequah, Oklahoma), there
is a Cherokee keyboard, there is a nice keyboard layout that goes with the
font they offer:


For key E00, level 1 (i.e. the unshifted grave-accent key), there is a little
squiggly mark called "Accent." I can't find any indication of the purpose of
this character -- what it's supposed to accent -- but it's not encoded in

Does anyone know what this character is for, or why it wasn't encoded? I
read Michael Everson's 1995 proposal for Cherokee (WG2 N1172) and couldn't
find any mention of it.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California
 (address will soon change to dewell@adelphia.net)

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