Re: 31 Angry Watanabes (or the Itaiji problem)

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 11:33:48 EST

On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 03:54 AM, Dan Kogai wrote:

> In other words, neither Unicode nor any portable charset to date can be
> used just to issue driver's license, much less exchange legal documents
> electrically. This is a serious obstacle to "digitize" government but
> never discussed in depth . I hate to tell you this but I can't even help
> wondering if this to keep outdated engineers and companies happy by
> letting them manage proprietary character sets :(

Of course, the correct solution to this is not to grouse about Unicode
(since it does better than any other character set around), but for JIS to
get an authoritative list of the characters people actually need then
lobby the IRG to get them into Unicode.

This is, BTW, basically what the HKSAR did. There are still some gaps,
but we don't have dozens of angry anybody's (we hope) to deal with now.

John H. Jenkins

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