Re: 31 Angry Watanabes (or the Itaiji problem)

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 16:57:19 EST

On Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 02:15 PM, Dan Kogai wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 01:33 , John H. Jenkins wrote:
>> Of course, the correct solution to this is not to grouse about Unicode
>> (since it does better than any other character set around), but for JIS
>> to get an authoritative list of the characters people actually need then
>> lobby the IRG to get them into Unicode.
> Right except for one thing. Han Unification. Itaiji should have been
> COLLATED, not UNIFIED. Well, that maybe overruled in time (at least we
> have enough code points for that now)....

No, it won't be overruled.

Deunifying a character solely on the basis of their being someone who
writes their name in a peculiar way is *not* a good idea. It screws up
the use of the character in real text for writing things *other* than
people's names.

Unicode will probably handle itaiji via variation marks. The only other
plausible way to handle it would be to have a block of ideographs whose
sole purpose in life is to be used for the personal names of people in
Japan and race horses in Hong Kong.

And, in any event, Unicode is *still* better Watanabe-wise than any
existing character set from JIS. If this is *truly* a problem in Japan --
something which has yet to be actually proven -- then the correct solution
is *still* for JIS to come up with an authoritative list. Right now, it's
just smoke.

John H. Jenkins

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