Re: "Missing character" glyph

From: James Kass (
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 01:19:20 EDT

John Cowan wrote,

> James Kass scripsit:
> > Even if a new character is proposed and accepted, font developers
> > will probably just copy their own interpretation of 'missing
> > character' from Glyph ID Zero into the new slot. What would
> > be gained?
> It would be guaranteed that every font would encode this character
> using its missing-glyph glyph; in short, no font would have a mapped glyph
> for the character, but it is a legitimate character in every other way.

Ahh, OK. So, if this character were proposed and accepted, then
all a font designer would have to do to support it is absolutely
nothing at all.

Now I get it. Still think Kenneth Whistler's suggestions for covering
all kinds of display problems would be better than encoding a new
character for this limited purpose, though.

Best regards,

James Kass.

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