Re: The mystery of Edwin U+1E9A%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;>

From: Jim Allan (
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 10:33:32 EDT

> John Cowan asked:
> /> Where does this strange beast come from? /
> Semitic transliteration practice, if I recall correctly.
> /> Its name is LATIN SMALL LETTER /
> /> A WITH RIGHT HALF RING, and the right half ring is indeed above the
> "a". /
> /> We don't have a RIGHT HALF RING ABOVE combining mark, so it only
> gets a /
> /> compatibility decomposition. /
> It's not really an *above* diacritic, but a little 02BE hamza half ring
> sitting at the upper right shoulder. The Unicode 3.0 glyph looks odd
> to me -- the Unicode 2.0 glyph made more sense.
> It's more akin to U+0149 as an oddball addition to the standard.
> --Ken
> /> Who would need a lower-case letter with a unique diacritic, and no
> upper-case /
> /> equivalent? The U+1Exx block is "random junk inherited from 10646
> DIS 1", /
> /> Does anyone understand it?/

The symbols a with half-ring above, e or i with half-ring above, and u
with half-ring above are used in transliterations of Ugaratic.

A comma above the letter or to the left is also often used. See

An Ugaritic transliteration font, not in Unicode, can be downloaded from The half-rings in
this font have a very odd but stylish irregular oblique form.

One could consider the half ring diacritic as a typographical variation

This probably should be indicated as an annotation on this character, or
COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING should be added to the Unicode set.

Note that U+02BF MODIFIER RIGHT HALF RING is encoded separately from
transliterations of Semitic languages they are used interchangeably,
depending on aesthetic considerations and whether the half ring
characters are available.

> / /

Jim Allan

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